Let’s start a weekly Twin Flame meditation practice together. A time for yourself to tune into your heart and get cozy with what is going on in there, as a preparatory step for the real Twin Flame inner work, or as a way to tune into your Twin Flame energy system more clearly, or also to simply have a relaxed break in the middle of the week! You can stay at home on your own couch and tune into the Zoom link on any device.

11 Meditation Episodes this fall: October 2nd – December 12th 2024.

  • Wednesdays 8PM Amsterdam time
  • London 7PM
  • New York 2 PM
  • LA 11AM
  • New Delhi 11.30PM
  • Sydney 4AM Thursday
  • Honolulu 8AM
  • Manila 2AM Thursday


  • Thursdays 9AM Amsterdam time
  • London 8AM
  • New York 3AM
  • LA 12AM
  • New Delhi 12.30PM 
  • Sydney 5PM
  • Honolulu 9PM
  • Manila 3PM

Look up your own starting time with an online timezone converter.

Duration: 75 minutes including after conversation

Price: 11 Euro per meditation when booked individually (50% as compared to last season, I’ll give you the Zoom link when your payment has reached me up till 15 minutes before starting time)

You can choose: Wednesdays or Thursdays (not both, or pay twice), please let me know upon buying.

How to claim your seat: Pay via PayPal, I will send you an email acknowledging you’re in! Sales are final, no refunds. You are responsible for yourself. Complete condition overview.


Upcoming episode: http://paypal.me/petraelsejekel/11

Sit back and relax! I’ll acknowledge your participation and give further instructions in the email address linked to your PayPal real soon.


These are some of my general Twin Flame advices:

13 Steps Course to Feel Your Feelings & KEY – Feeling your feelings is step 1.

Turning your feelings around with the KEY tool is step 2.

Here, you see that step 1 is feeling your feelings. Then in step 2 we turn them around in the KEY tool. This implies that first we do well with meditation, to get more relaxed and sink into our feeling body that is our energy field, as a preparatory step before doing the actual Twin Flame work. That’s why we do the meditation course.

More about the 9 point energy system we use as underlay for the meditations as well, you can find inside this blog or in this book.

Read my blog about my personal history with meditation and yoga here.

This meditation course can also very well be followed as a preparatory step for the Twin Flame Abundance NOW group year course that starts up soon.

See you real soon!
