Launch of the year group course Twin Flame Abundance NOW imminent

By |2025-02-20T16:21:16+00:00November 30th, 2024|about us, abundance now, love|

In the beginning of time, there was nothing at all. But there was an energy that was relating to the nothing. It was its author and it wanted to energize and evolve what was. It breathed life into the nothing and light appeared, to make visible that there was a desire for life and expansion. [...]

2 Levels in Spiritual Work, be aware of them for Union Success: 11 Examples

By |2025-03-26T14:02:29+00:00March 26th, 2025|about us, love, magic|

Levels exist: a lot of self help is on the psychological level, but we are about the spiritual level. Not as in your gifts (psychic awareness etc.) but as your development into the true you in the spiritual sense, which is who and what you are in Twin Flame Union. I collected some examples to [...]

FREE WEBINAR Union: Where All Twin Flame Elements Unite

By |2024-11-29T15:42:17+00:00November 26th, 2024|love|

Saturday November 30 8PM Amsterdam time (7PM London, 2PM New York 11AM LA, 12.30AM New Delhi, 6AM Sydney) Only 6 seats, claim yours now: 🔥🔥 Adjoined to the Love Game, I now give a webinar, to help you go to Twin Flame Union: the pinnacle of love in all ways possible. All will actually [...]

Love = Healing

By |2024-11-29T15:40:17+00:00November 22nd, 2024|love, magic|

Lack, pain, hurt, imperfection, even trauma can be effectively treated with self love that is connected to Source as well. Everything hinges on it essentially - and for the Twin Flame journey that is no different at all. Often we have learned to associate self love with egotism and there is a stimulus to avoid [...]

100% Success Rate but Ego’s can’t reach Union

By |2024-11-29T15:40:29+00:00November 12th, 2024|about us, love|

I am certain that I can help you with being sustainable with your true Twin Flame and starting and bringing to success your Mission Business. That is because I have a success rate of 100% since I integrated the full Twin Flame reality into my already existing spiritual teacherschip around 7-5 years ago. Everyone that [...]

5 Elements of the Union Heart 🥰🔥🔥 Love Game

By |2024-11-29T15:40:45+00:00November 8th, 2024|about us, love|

A new perspective on Love will take you in. During my Union journey, what LOVE really is, took shape for me. It transformed and then arrived at a definitive place. Looking back, it was actually completely unclear to me what love really even is, before I arrived in Harmonious Union Much of my childhood was [...]

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