It’s time to bring Heaven to earth
Support yourself in Union Connected Living
Repairing your relationship with the Divine will bring your Abundance to earth in both Love & Money. In this online group year program, you will experience how to do so in the many daily life, romance and business topics that are relevant for Twin Flames in the present end times.
The transformation of your core that creates the state of consciousness of Harmonious Union will come about in a continually renewing landscape of relationship, sexuality, creativity, healing, business, money and more. Follow this course for 3 years or stay indefinitely. Your Union will first embrace your entire life and then the world and Universe.

Welcome! I’m Petra
and this is my Divine Feminine Mystery School
… also called Petra’s Life Magic School. But the name doesn’t really matter, the point is that it gives you the opportunity to really sink into the gifts that come through me from Divine Mother. We do that with methodologies that I developed and tested over the course of over 2 decades in this lifetime and we build on many lifetimes of being a spiritual teacher.
What was new in this lifetime is to close the gap with the Divine to such an extend that I can live the romance with my True Twin Flame right now instead of one day in the future. The fact that I’ve done the inner work for it, brings everything I offer to the Union level. This is what I teach and pass on.
- Reach state of consciousness Harmonious Twin Flame Union
- Experiencing Golden Flow in your money life
- Starting to build your real life relationship with your True Twin Flame
- Becoming aware of your Unions Mission and start sharing it
- Enhancing your allround creative-spiritual life
- Healing your psychology & body
Enroll to create your Ultimate Life
You will be supported in three complementing ways on an ongoing base that has a year cycle. This program will run five years for an according amount of successive levels. To safeguard your Harmonious Union process that will happen inside of that, I advice to count on three years of attendance. Conversations to possibly become accredited as a coach under us, take place from one year attendance onwards.

Weekly tuning into the Heart to do your KEY Twin Flame inner work together inside the group call.
Allround support for your Union Life in-the-making from day 1 onwards expresses itself in 12 yearly themes.
- 1 Creativity
- 2 Meditation
- 3 Healing
- 4 Soul Love & Money
- 5 Food and health
- 6 Money
- 7 Writing
- 8 Business
- 9 Senses and communication
- 10 Co-creation and coaching
- 11 Art
- 12 Sexuality
- 4 weekly calls per month
- 4 approaches to the monthly topic
- 12 baseline values
- 5 levels of going through the topics

This forms a deepening and refining of the basic topics of the yearly course structure.
- Preface Magic Starter Kit
- 1 Energy Resonance
- 2 Entrepreneurship
- 3 Energetic Strategizing
- 4 Sexual Magic
- 5 Relationship
- 6 Going Deeper with YOT
- 7 Master your Miracles
- 8 Reset and Appreciate
- 9 Choosing your Goal
- 10 Harmonious Twin Flame Union
- 11 Anchored Flowering Golden Flow
- 12 Creative ID & Life Mission
- 13 Union & Mission BONUS chapter
To make you integrate the Union Life topics, you are invited on your monthly individual call.

Start with your individual focussing session to determine your Being Goal (year 1 of the 5-year-cycle) as it relates to Union & Mission. But there is more:
- Express your process, exchange with others, get assistance among each other in the Facebook Community.
- Get advise in a monthly live question and answer video in the Facebook Community.
- Be assisted through 1 on 1 coaching sessions for full members.
- Access some services outside the program with a significant discount up to 50%.
- You can of course always supplement your participation in this program with individual sessions and readings that exist as services for anyone (that are not included); the breadth of the entire offer we have here exists for a reason that is to aid you.
How would it be to leave both the bad of your experience of romance and the world today, as well as the good, and go to a whole new universe of peace?

No looking back and only building on the groundwork of a peaceful Union & Mission existence starting within yourself and from there into your daily life.

How free would you feel if you started investing in your exponential expansion of your Union & Mission?
How would it be if new adventures start to unfold from your intimate and heartfelt Divine Peace?
Explore Your Unique Fingerprint
“Who needs meditation if it doesn’t result in your ultimate life. Thus I worked for years on connecting the romance and money game with the consciousness experience. Until I saw it was already complete and this Divine Truth came into my life to fulfill everything it promises: healing, abundance, love, Union & Mission. Still the scientific research, channeling Divine Mother and Master Magician, client trials, establishing a co-creation with Master Christ, investing 20 years, 500K and reaching several States of Being, are valid parts of how it all came about and what I now pass on. I’d love to share with you: an original teaching that updates the state of the art worldwide for you to create as the life artist that you are with with your unique fingerprint.” – Petra
Twin Flame Union & Mission Truth
are already True you just need to manifest it
That means – in how we teach it – you’ll need to do Source Magic on the Christ Consciousness level. Magic means: ways to create what you desire and bring forth your supernatural spiritual abundance. Christ means: the quality of consciousness from which and with which you execute all this. Both co-create on the highest level.
What we work with here is on the one hand a going back to the groundwork of what this timelessly is, yet in another way it gives you the method from Source out updated for this specific time. At these pressing and confusing times who needs romance and money if it’s not fitting with a reality that is Divine and eternally sustainable.
Union & Mission: The 3rd Option
Life from Divine alignment, Christ Consciousness, Source relating or however called, is where it’s at. Because life does not matter when your Union & Mission are not connected to your inner Source, as it then will not touch the other in their core also, so it does not establish the Twin Flame relationship nor Mission clients in a working way.
Standing in the flow of Creation, being a Source connected Life Artist is what you truly desire. You can be artist or not, we have our method developed on the base of artistic identity science. The bigger reality of an artist is being a Creator and the bigger truth of our method is that it is fully Creation attuned. Just like Union & Mission are.
Don’t go for a materialistic formula for your Life Artistry as Twin Flame, nor for a spiritual fluff approach that only does something in your dreams and energy. No, choose the third option where both are combined into One artistry that manifests real results.
The magic of this life artistry is perfectly expressed in the Source Code magic of the emotional strategy of 128493756. What this means in Source connected energy work and how this works in favor of your Union & Mission goals, will all become revealed.

KEY to return Home
Calling forward your Twin Flame results in physical life that will be genuine, sustainable and peaceful is of course also done with the central KEY tool. We’ll experience the power of it weekly in the group calls.
Then to make visible, workable and enjoyable your Union & Mission already here, you apply leading edge manifestational and entrepreneurial techniques unique to Creative Universe too. This works in conjunction with becoming your true soul self: your Creative ID that is in fact who you are in Divine Light.
Making it Come True
Union lived as the romance it promises to be and building on mission related money times 1111 are grand goals and in practice, you start a journey in which this all comes true in due time.
This journey will at first primarily look like tuning into Source for healing and developing entrepreneurial avenues as creative life artist. It will all grow into a community where you support each other and may choose to become accredited to share the work as well.

Become who you are meant to be in this revolutionary life transformation and value yourself accordingly.
Reviews & Reactions

Choose your Membership
Get involved on our very low bar to get you basically on track. The actual program asks for you to really invest in yourself: give yourself silver or gold.
- general community with KEY
- Games about Money & Love
- the Money Magic Starter Kit
- 10 pages of both green books
- the free media
- the mini Creative ID test
- community news by mail
- one Strategy Session
- secret KEY inner work info
- –
- –
- –
- –
- –
- full price VIP coaching
- no initiations
- general community with KEY
- Games about Money & Love
- the Money Magic Starter Kit
- 10 pages of both green books
- the free media
- the mini Creative ID test
- community news by mail
- one Strategy Session
- secret KEY inner work info
- one Focus Session
- Experience Calls
- Abundance Building
- Community Support
- 1on1 session every month
- discounted VIP coaching
- able to become initiated
- general community with KEY
- Games about Money & Love
- the Money Magic Starter Kit
- 10 pages of both green books
- the free media
- the mini Creative ID test
- community news by mail
- one Strategy Session
- secret KEY inner work info
- one Focus Session
- Experience Calls
- –
- Community Support
- –
- discounted VIP coaching
- able to become initiated
More depth of explanation for all 3 options:
Visit a Webinar
Regularly there are online workshops you can take part in to taste of what Twin Flame Abundance Now can mean to you.