The Abundance Now program works among others with the twelve recurring themes we have within Creative Entrepreneurship and borrows from the curriculum of Creative Leadership for values.
The twelve themes of Creative Entrepreneurship will be addressed from a couple of angles within each month, among others as healing meditation and as practical action.
The essence and going inner:
- 1 September – creativity
- 2 October – meditation
- 3 November – healing
- 4 December – soul love & money
Manifest from experienced value:
- 5 January – food and health
- 6 February – money
- 7 March – writing
- 8 April – business
Refinement in collaboration bears fruit:
- 9 May – senses and communication
- 10 June – co-creation and coaching
- 11 July – art
- 12 August – sexuality
The weeks of every month:
- 1 meditation and seal
- 2 heart wisdom and theory
- 3 interaction and expression
- 4 integration ceremony
The values that play a role in the program as borrowed from Creative Leadership are:
- 1 Letting go to come into your Bloom in a natural way
- 2 Prosperity in the Moment
- 3 Surrender to the Bigger Whole
- 4 Insight in what does not Work and letting that go
- 5 Understanding for myself and in that way also for others
- 6 Compassion in action so that your work contributes to the love of others
- 7 Love for your Self
- 8 Focus on the work that will bring love for the long term
- 9 Silence the inner so that you amend to the inside and towards the other
- 10 Share from the moment without passing yourself
- 11 Bearing fruit from a real growth and giving space for that
- 12 Being yourself in all Circumstances
These themes and values play a role in five consecutive layers of being and action, that will be addressed in five years:
- 1 Being: you are already valuable as a soul, in meditation, in being; make it conscious
- 2 Creation: whether you are an artist, creative or simply have your life artistry your way
- 3 Project: organizing your actions in a way so that others are touched and influenced
- 4 Business: working projects formed into official businesses that fix those relationships
- 5 Entrepreneurship: your unique conglomerate of creation types, projects and businesses
We start with a period of focussing on Being, going over the monthly themes on a weekly base in group calls in which the twelve values play a role as well.
An entire extra layer will be formed by the Abundance Building educational series, in which the best abundance in money and love manifestation methods will be shared with you on a practical level, of twenty years moving in the direction of Anchored Flowering Golden Flow, Harmonious Twin Flame Union and 1111x Money.
Abundance Building
- Preface Money Magic Starter Kit
- 1 Energy Resonance
- 2 Entrepreneurship
- 3 Energetic Strategizing
- 4 Sexual Magic
- 5 Relationship
- 6 Going Deeper with YOT
- 7 Master your Miracles
- 8 Reset and Appreciate
- 9 Choosing your Goal
- 10 Harmonious Twin Flame Union
- 11 Anchored Flowering Golden Flow
- 12 Creative ID & Life Mission
For all the material, it is attuned to the leading edge Source Magic and Christ Consciousness standard, that is set anew on earth in the years 2011- today, making possible a revolutionary level of experiencing your own Heaven on Earth.
For more on the curriculum, we refer to the green books, where you can also see the context of these themes and values. In a later stage, an entire school will be set up and this is to be understood as a base layer of what that will entail.
Within the program, you are also invited to the sharing space of a private Facebook Group, where additionally once a month a question and answer session will be hosted for your progress and benefit.
To set your personal goals within this frame of work, you start off with your individual educational session. As extra’s (not included in price) you can let yourself be assisted through 1 on 1 coaching sessions (with five potential topics Business, Artistry, Spiritual, Health, Writing; and five potential initiations MultiDimensional Clearing, Hearing Source, Christ Consciousness Compassion, Creative ID, Key Holder) and readings (a Creative ID Reading or individual magic suggestions that help you on your journey and a Masters Reading giving you insight on where you are on the journey and what your lessons are).
To recuperate, you can see it like this:
- A Experience Calls: experiential, meditational, tuning into, energy healing, practical too
- B Abundance Building: series of the very best manifestation techniques of CU
- C Community Support: support each other plus question and answer sessions
- Start with your individual educational session to determine your Being Goal as it relates to Money
- Extra (not in pricing) individual services in coaching (discounted for members) and reading
- Literature for further reading in the green books (not in pricing)
The relationship with money is thus guided to the deeper, Divinely supported, more sustainable Truth of who you are. This makes accepting in a money flow not only spiritually moral, but also something that effortlessly connects to your soul identity, to enrich a changing world with your unique contribution and live your ultimate life as life artist.
Because we are currently in a beta testing phase, you will be able to acquire access to all of this with a discounted price point. Our bigger vision is to create an entire universe of online worldwide opportunities that you can actively be a part of as a coach and creator and so on. You might also see my True Twin Flame later bring his high quality hard money skills in for those that desire. These long term goals are already tested and engrained in the DNA of what we currently do; getting your States of Being acknowledged in Source and your 1111 times Money can also best be seen on the longer, even eternal timeframe.
Love to see you soon!