Moving towards the consciousness state of Harmonious Twin Flame Union was never so juicy, easy and fun! Every week, we tune into the Union Heart in the Zoom call. And you have 24 daily life Union & Mission topics to walk through in theory and workbook, to unionize those fields, making use of perhaps some chapters first year more profoundly and others in later times. At the start, you will be taken in your Focus Session to determine together what your best strategy is for how to start off.
The twelve themes of Creative Entrepreneurship are a first basic and will be addressed from a couple of angles within each month, among others as healing meditation and as practical action. These are the themes and their months:
The essence and going inner:
- 1 September – creativity
- 2 October – meditation
- 3 November – healing
- 4 December – soul love & money
Manifest from experienced value:
- 5 January – food and health
- 6 February – money
- 7 March – writing
- 8 April – business
Refinement in collaboration bears fruit:
- 9 May – senses and communication
- 10 June – co-creation and coaching
- 11 July – art
- 12 August – sexuality
The weeks of every month provide a different angle in this way:
- 1 meditation and seal
- 2 heart wisdom and theory
- 3 interaction and expression
- 4 integration ceremony
The values that play a role in the program as borrowed from Creative Leadership are:
- 1 Letting go to come into your Bloom in a natural way
- 2 Prosperity in the Moment
- 3 Surrender to the Bigger Whole
- 4 Insight in what does not Work and letting that go
- 5 Understanding for myself and in that way also for others
- 6 Compassion in action so that your work contributes to the love of others
- 7 Love for your Self
- 8 Focus on the work that will bring love for the long term
- 9 Silence the inner so that you amend to the inside and towards the other
- 10 Share from the moment without passing yourself
- 11 Bearing fruit from a real growth and giving space for that
- 12 Being yourself in all Circumstances
These themes and values play a role in five consecutive layers of being and action, that will be addressed in five years:
- 1 Being: you are already in Union in Truth (Union): make it conscious; you are already valuable as a soul, in meditation, in being: make it conscious (Mission).
- 2 Creation: you have been created as Union and can make this come true (Union); whether you are an artist, creative or simply have your life artistry your way (Mission).
- 3 Relationship/Project: with your Twin Flame you are building a concrete relationship in the Union space 9Union); organizing your actions in a way so that others are touched and influenced by your Divine Love (Mission).
- 4 Marriage/Business: making it all come together officially with your Twin Flame is the obvious answer; working projects formed into official businesses that fix those relationships in place (Mission).
- 5 Sharing/Entrepreneurship: your Union Life becomes a fully rounded place of Divine Love (Union); your unique conglomerate of creation types, projects and businesses (Mission).
We start with a period of focussing on Being: welcome!
An entire extra layer will be formed by the Abundance Building educational series, in which the best abundance in money and love manifestation methods will be shared with you on a practical level, of twenty years moving in the direction of Anchored Flowering Golden Flow, Harmonious Twin Flame Union and 1111x Money.
Abundance Building
- Preface Magic Starter Kit
- 1 Energy Resonance
- 2 Entrepreneurship
- 3 Energetic Strategizing
- 4 Sexual Magic
- 5 Relationship
- 6 Going Deeper with YOT
- 7 Master your Miracles
- 8 Reset and Appreciate
- 9 Choosing your Goal
- 10 Harmonious Twin Flame Union
- 11 Anchored Flowering Golden Flow
- 12 Creative ID & Life Mission
- 13 Union & Mission BONUS chapter
For all the material, it is attuned to the leading edge Source Magic and Christ Consciousness standard, that is set anew on earth in the years 2011- today, making possible a revolutionary level of experiencing your own Heaven on Earth. For more on the curriculum, we refer to the Green Books, where you can also see the context of these themes and values.
Within the program, you are also invited to the sharing space of a private Facebook Group, where additionally once a month a question and answer session will be hosted for your progress and benefit. You can submit your questions up front and watch the recording if you cannot make it live. Yet another way to make it all very accessible and personal for your quickening and progress.
To set your personal goals within this frame of work besides the obvious Twin Flame Union, you start off with your individual Focus Session. Gold Members enjoy 1 individual sessions every month on top of that. For sure, anyone that desires, can add elements from the broader school such as readings and 1on1 time.
To recuperate, you can see the offer in broad strokes like this:
- A Experience Calls: experiential, meditational, tuning into, energy healing, practical too
- B Abundance Building: series of the very best Union & Mission manifestation techniques of Creative Universe
- C Community Support: get to know and support each other plus question and answer sessions
- Start with your individual Focus Session to determine your Being Goal as it relates to Twin Flame Love & Soul Money
Both the relationship with your Ultimate Love & Lover as well as with your Abundance in Soul Money and beyond, will grow into being and bloom from consciousness out: the correct, luscious, Divine consciousness that you tap into by participating in this program, in this school. To make it all practical and actionable, we make use of the Creative ID methodology and 20 years of experience with many daily life and work topics that have been translated into workbooks for you.
Because we are currently in a beta phase, you will be able to acquire access to all of this with a discounted price point. Your participation is however prospected to be longer than this phase is scheduled for. Therefore you use this timeframe best by organizing to make possible for yourself the full, more realistic price later on as well. I’m so very pleased to phase you into it for a bargain, but this is the other side of the coin and I wanted to be up front and honest about that.
This route will lead you to opportunities to become accredited as a Creation Coach, sharing the work as well, and working with the manifest Union & Mission Cards as well. It is the portal towards sharing in the abundant MEconomy we are building here, among each other and exchanging with the wider world, making money yourself with what fits your Union like a glove.
Be aware that choosing Basic does not include you being in the actual programs and community of Twin Flame Abundance Now; instead it gives you the opportunity to start with experiencing what it means to commit to the required inner work, make use of the general Your Abundance forum and grants you the exclusive insights in the inner work in the secret KEY blog as well.
Because indeed, I have written an extensive and exclusive Twin Flame inner work blog with all kinds of secret information about how to actually do it. It is available for all Twin Flame Abundance Now members of all kinds. Love sharing these deeper insights that make it all work for you perfectly…
Why do we need schooling?
The schooling will primarily be like stepping into the union consciousness and maintaining it over time sustainably so the (super-) natural education unfolds that is fit for uniquely you to receive on your journey. This is a place to anchor that entire process. As extra’s there is a curriculum you can grow into over many years that covers many life, health, healing, creative, spiritual, business and so on aspects you will encounter on your road towards a full life with your Twin Flame. All of this is attuned to Union and it is imperative to undergo this schooling because we’re not at all used to this approach to life yet at all, even when we think we may already be, because it isn’t about having an opinion about life to agree with, it is the question of: have you integrated it in your conscious + unconscious space fully? Watch out for wanting something that doesn’t exist: Harmonious Union without anchoring into a place where it already exists; sustainable Union without coaching; abundance without investment etc.
Is it (exclusively) for women?
In short: no. It is for anyone that represents a Twin Flame Union, which is… everyone. The fact it is lead by the Divine Feminine of my own Union – while we are not doing it without my Divine Masculine at all because he is part of my Union – might slightly color the approach in the school, I will not deny that, but it is not about this fact. This given, makes it actually more fit for men, or rather Divine Masculines, to enter the school as students, because they will be mirrored well for their own healing purposes by my presence, not less for them at all. My approach to the healing Union needs, is as energy work centered around the Divine Feminine educational line, as slightly opposed to but actually rather as complement to the Divine Masculine healing approach, that is more mind attuned; both however lead to the very same: your Harmonious Union. Only a complete teacher that is truly initiated to pass this on, can give this to you; it is passed on from Union to Union.
Is it for mission or union?
For both, because they are not separate from each other. Just like you don’t want to be separated anymore from your love of loves, you also don’t want to be separate from your purpose in life, given shape in your Unions Mission, because it is the way your Abundance will reach you, that is already soulfully yours but needs to start to flow to you as a stream of energy, support, resources, money and so on, that is uniquely fit for you and your Union. This does form a rather unknown pillar of Twin Flame work, which deserves ample attention because it will speed up your Union process, when you get your Mission right. Both will be addressed by topics that we’ll move through during the schooling and both are essentially first expressed in the heart so they are always both present in our weekly experiential calls. Union is the state of being and Mission the flow of light=energy that you exude from that place.
How long do I need to take part?
A participation of 3-5 years is a good start, but keep in mind that you never need to leave: the correct attitude is being grateful you can continually tune in to where the Source of Union in Flow is anchored. This will bring you everything.
What if I want to be a professional Twin Flame coach (as well)?
That’s possible to be stepped into from 1 year onwards after having been certified. In 2025, we’re not there yet, but you can start by taking part in the year group course and after 1 year of participation you can ask to be taken into the extra program that makes you ready to be able to do this. We’ll publish later how this will transpire. It will be an awesome opportunity to make your own money and start your true MEconomy with your Union as focus!
How unique is this schooling option?
There is only 1 other school in the universe where you can get the exact results I stand for, no matter what others may say about this topic. I will not tell you where the other place is but you may pray and have it be revealed to you if you so please.
Your results are guaranteed, what does that mean?
When you give everything into it, you will receive the exact thing you are here for: Twin Flame Union, Soul Money Abundance. This does not apply when you stop the process on your side; on our side what is given is true, whole, complete and eternal and this keeps on making it possible for you no matter how impossible it seems to be to the ego temporarily.
When does it take place?
Now opens an option to take the weekly Experience Calls on Tuesdays at 8PM Amsterdam timezone. The other parts of the program(s) can be taken at times that are more flexible or completely at your own time.
What is your time investment?
From 1,5-3h per week it starts to make loads of sense, it’s great to have a little more such as daily an hour for individual inner work and spending a free day on it all in the weekend too, for instance, eventually it will encompass everything you do always anyways, because the process will become embodied in you and this is what you want. You’ll take the process with you anywhere you go and whatever you do; you’ll feel the inner guidance now much to do as actions related to the course. Also, this guidance meant will actually literally take place through the Focus Session you schedule with me once a year, to make out what your best current strategy is for your education.
Why is it so expensive?
It is a certain number but not ‘expensive’; what is truly expensive is to not have your True Twin Flame and not be in your Mission. You can arrange for this number to become available to you, be creative and it will be possible. In my country, this number can be paid by literally everyone, once it is prioritized, it should not be a problem even for the bottom of the lowest incomes – this is also my own experience -; it all hinges on prioritizing though. When I went through my many spiritual student years I prioritized myself through it in this way and it all turned out wonderfully. Think about what you truly need as a first necessity, Union Consciousness, and that is what you will be tuned into in the program, and the rest will be added onto you from that consciousness place on, by the Universe itself: God provides.
Any professional coaching program will cost at least approximately what I charge; think about that 21% is for taxes, and from what is left 40% to taxes as well, then I have direct costs that will also need to be paid, what you actually give me is a moderately low number (also seen the amount of contact hours I offer), that I will reinvest in making my own progress that as a teacher will always go first to all the new places where you then as a result also will be allowed to go per spiritual law, into you in other ways and into supporting myself so that I can support you. In the deeper sense, it is not even my own money, it is Gods money, you invest it in your relationship with Divine Mother and that is why it works. The correct attitude is to be happy you can invest in your relationship with Her, so She will give back what you came for. I guarantee this works because this is the secret sauce that is the actual behind-the-scenes core of my work (and also how I got what I now share).
I personally worked an unpaid 2,5 decades to make this program possible for you and furthermore invested tens of thousand if not hundreds to get it where it is now: a full program with everything you need on the exact right vibration with a guarantee to arrive and only one other place in the universe where you can get this, fully tested with complete successes that have been reached for multiple clients in an acceptable timeframe as well and not the decades it costed me myself to get this all straightened out.
As a last reasoning I’d like you to consider the following: this course has inside of it a couple of complete year courses on the topics of business, writing a book, spiritual healing, reaching Twin Flame Union and more, that could be sold separately for the amount I charge you with, and I chose to just put them in as if it is just a normal Tuesday for you, to be unfolded and used to your advantage when it is time for you to go deeper into such topics. Even the value of what I presented at the pricing diagram doesn’t fully show this, but it is actually at least thrice the sum MORE that you get in value then what you pay. I could sell 4 year courses, all for the original market conform price, for instance, one about reaching Union, one about Mission business, one about spiritual healing, one about communication, and all price them separately 179/222 Euro per month and it would still be a normal market pricing situation if not the steal of the century to be honest! But I choose to condense it all into 1 and present you simply with huge unfolding options for when you are there in your entire journey, and charge you only once.
Yes, the core still remains to actually be coming together in the Experience Calls and open the heart, moving together through the flow of the heart, letting your personalized experiential curriculum unfold from there on out, it being completely arranged by God spontaneously and uniquely. That alone is worth more than what I charge, because your Harmonious Union will be the result and this is just literally priceless: it can not be bought with money because the number would never be able to reach high enough to actually cover its true value; it is worth everything you are and own, which is also the recipe for success – that made it all work for me, so I can pass it on to you. If you’d wait it all out a bit more, before you step into my school, you might find out that after having educated a wave of students the coming hand full of years, I decide to put a 0 behind all prices you are aware of now, so beware that you are in a very privileged position right now at this time and don’t hesitate to say yes because it will serve you in all ways thinkable and a lot more.
So sit yourself down and write down your current monthly money coming in and going out, see if you need to reallocate some parts of your funds to make it possible. Can you make it count as educational costs on some tax reductive program? Can you write it off as costs in your business? How many hours per week do you need to take an extra simple job to get this amount of money together (probably only for 5 hours per week at your local supermarket, ride an Uber, have an AirBNB or clean offices, make your own calculations though)? How many more clients do you need to sign up to make this amount of extra money? Could you put it on a credit card, does that feel right? Do you know someone that has the funds that can lend it to you with a contract between the two of you? Does it feel relevant to stop a certain spending habit and/or time-consuming hobby so that you clear your schedule and finances for the incoming abundance of Twin Flame Union and Mission? Just some of the questions you could ask yourself. How much do you trust God to make it clear to you how this is very possible for you? Where can you make a first step in the direction of making it come true, to see all the other financial and time related elements fall into place like domino stones afterwards, magically, Divinely?
Still angry you have to invest money in yourself to have results? Consider the following points: You would not like me to have a roof over my head and food on the table during the couple of years that I guide you to your Union results? You don’t like to pay what is only fraction of the price (around 6%) in money and in other resources that I have personally paid to be able to pass Union on to you? How do you suggest I should be able to support you when I don’t have a way to support myself while doing so that clicks in with the worlds generally accepted exchange system? Are you sure you find Union & Mission worth nothing, absolutely zero, and why would you then still like to attain it, if it is apparently nothing to you at all? How would you like to have your own Twin Flame Mission (business) function when you are finally there in your development, would you allow it to function with the inclusion of money so you are able to buy some things in return to be able to support yourself while executing the Mission? Are you afraid that investing will give a return of zero and do you have no trust in the Divine at all that this can actually be the opposite and rather an abundant lifestyle that answers everything your heart has always longed for to manifest for you? Just some ideas to reflect and then make a decision afterwards. The continual flow of Harmonious Union energy I pump into the school alone costs money, for there is an entire manned, brick church involved, let alone the infrastructure of the school itself, and then we haven’t even spoken about the upkeep of myself. Choose wisely.
Having the money is an energy topic that will be returning to you in your Union process in many guises guaranteed, especially when you try to keep money out of the equation or have it unguarded lying around which constitutes an energy leak that will wreak havoc in many ways in your Union, also relationship-wise, because money is not able to be seen separate from that. You better take it on to try to master it as part of your journey otherwise the problems in your romantic Union will keep on flooding over you, and the entrance fee of the required inner work is therefore an essential educational tool in itself. Money issues are thus able to be resolved with inner work just like Twin Flame problems are, indeed. Go to Facebook group Your Abundance and start doing KEY inner work on your upsets about the topic of money, including the entrance fee of this program. Take part in the Money Game that gives you more backgrounds on how to regard money, what investing means to your abundant spiritual life and see your options in a much broader and more enlightened light. Claim the Magic Starter Kit to support yourself in the resolving efforts of your money upsets and at the same time build energetically on your Mission inspiration, that is directly related to your monetary abundance flowing back to you while traveling towards and residing inside Twin Flame Union.
Here is my spiritual advise for you: if you have managed to prioritize the first months pay, just say YES and start, the rest of the funds will be added onto you from the power of your sacred choice alone. Just don’t stand in the energy frozen, inactive or like a victim, but instead curious, active and doing your side of the deal you just closed with Divine Mother – and things will start to work out for you. We all go through the valley before we arrive at the top.
I will keep on working on the materials and programs in Abundance Now; it will continually get even better! I am also in the course of writing two substantial new elements for it, called: Christology for Twin Flames and Twin Flame Communication (incl. Creation Coach certification that allows you to coach Twin Flames under our umbrella). These will come out in a future year.
Remember the crux is that you need Harmonious Union the consciousness state and to get that you need an ongoing open connection with where that resides. Even though this is a very complete solution, you could still use other services to make it fit your individual needs further, such as individual small sessions (KEY Sessions) for speaking things through and inner work or bigger sessions (VIP Sessions) to be coached towards specific goals. Also, think about readings about your true situation that I offer and know that the two e-courses hold very specific and necessary information separately as well.
But.. is it really for you?
Maybe you already know your Twin Flame, you already are in harmony too, you feel. It is for everyone at any stage. It will heal and balance any state and maintain your Harmonious Union once it started for you. It will enhance and sustain any real result you already have. Many extra miracles will occur. You’ll start attracting your souls eternal Abundance in the form of anything your heart truly desires. Healing will become real for you beyond the scope of what you ever even considered possible in all areas of life, because this course is anchored in the pure power of God Spirit, not as an idea, as a marketing slogan, but as a reality that I personally maintain every day and have set up an entire behind-the-scenes structure for to keep on flowing that I continually invest in. This is not some sort of wild guess with some strange incantations, but a thoroughly Divinely led, literally Second Coming induced, strictly structured and extensively proven to give results endeavor that I have given myself into that I cannot undo anymore and that has taken over.
Love to see you soon on the inside!