Emotional Strategizing – Stop being unsure and Create IT guaranteed

The deeply assisting invisible can become the groundwork of your life - including such concrete expressions of value as money - when you use emotional strategizing. To have this be a Soulful, even Divine event, rather then a manipulative one, you let the strategy come from Divine Wisdom. To make this easy, there is a [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:49:08+00:00June 24th, 2021|about us, magic|0 Comments

5 Abundance Building Principles: a sneak peek inside the GOLD Membership

Podcast 1: The Enigmatic Practicality Podcast starring PEJ - Occult Business Confessions This is your unique chance to get a peek inside the Gold membership. The first lessons including personal anecdotes will be presented to you in the podcast. 1 This work came into being as a means to manifest your soul abundance [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:50:09+00:00April 9th, 2021|about us, love, magic, money|0 Comments

Key to the New World: Become Visible as your Creative ID in 2022

Having worked professionally with artists of all genres for two decades in multiple capacities in the high art kind of institutes and for myself, and having had a professional career as nationwide published literary author and performer, I know very well how difficult this combination can be with building an economical sound life simultaneously. More [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:50:31+00:00March 22nd, 2021|about us, money|0 Comments

My time with the Master Christ: formation of a new professionality

Motto “As God creates, so man can create. Given a certain intensity of will, the shapes created by the mind become subjective. Hallucinations, they are called, although to their creator they are real as any visible object is to anyone else. Given a more intense and intelligent concentration of this will, the form becomes concrete, [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:50:46+00:00January 6th, 2021|about us, love, magic|0 Comments
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