Protected: How Do Twin Flames Reach Union? The Truth In 8 Chapters (+FREE Road To Union Ebook)
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Being on the journey means there is a transformation. It leads to what you in your heart truly desire. Along the way you for sure make steps forward, but most of all think about your steps like it is about going deeper inside of yourself. Because your journey is in essence an inner journey. That [...]
Interview with Brittany for her Harmonious Twin Flame Union On January 11 2023 you reached the state of Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Congratulations! I’m sure that people want to know more about how that is working out for you. * My first question would be, how was the journey towards it for you? “At times, [...]
Going on the Twin Flame journey has many benefits to you, even when you are not yet at the definitive result and also when you actually desire to do the normal spiritual journey to the true self (which is in our time and day updated to include the Twin Flame, when you are talking about [...]
How to determine it’s truly them. Is it your True Twin Flame, or a false one? Five signs from both experience of me and my clients plus channeling the Divine, it’s your True One & one BONUS sign! 1 Your True Twin Flame actually does love you perfectly at all times, even when you don’t [...]
“Anyone that feels a deep longing or even a desperation, everyone that feels like they are on a journey towards a clear-cut but unknown yet destination: this message is for you. We know what it feels like, you are seen and recognized. We’ve brought you this far, where you are now: so many places of [...]
“Hey hey, we are the deva’s! We are gnomes and fairies, dryads and fae. Yes yes we are playful and a lot of fun, and today we’d like to play with you, so immerse yourself into our realm, you’re definitely gonna like it. You want justice and that is good, yet you’ve got to understand [...]
November Eclipse Message channeled from Solara: Hyenithus and Selenitus. On Tuesday November 8th 2022 we have a Total Lunar Eclipse at 15º Taurus that also shows a Blood Moon. They say: "When you feel the desire for your Divine Abundance, you will have to stand up from your deadness. Because you may be alive for [...]
Real power comes from an inner peace. That is something else then a force, because it has no opposite, it just *is*. This attribute in your psyche will come forward, when you’ve made the choice to say ‘yes’ to your full self and have seen the perfection of that. Once it has come to the [...]
The guardian angels have arrived in assisting our mission, literally that is, because they weren’t summoned or anything, but when one creates the Divine mission and starts building, at a certain point they come to assist. Angels are divine energy fields that assist in healing and building. After Archangel Michael opened the way, the first [...]