88 Twin Flame Ritual for Union Healing 🔥🔥🦁

88 Twin Flame Ritual for Union Healing: 10th year of summer rituals & YOU are invited! Bring yourself back to the Union space in your heart, through the fun and profundity of participating online in the healing power of this nature ritual. I will be broadcasting the outside ritual and organise a Zoom call for [...]

By |2024-08-25T09:07:08+00:00July 14th, 2024|about us, love, magic|0 Comments

Christed Masters supporting Union

Community members more and more spontaneously connect with the consciousness of the Christed Masters these days, and Jesus and Mary Magdalene are very famous in that group. They are intimately connected with guiding the unfoldment of Harmonious Twin Flame Union on earth right now. Also, personally I do work with them, as I have exchanged [...]

By |2024-08-25T09:07:56+00:00May 10th, 2024|about us, love, magic|0 Comments

Call in your Harmonious Union 🔥🔥 totally possible

  Dear friends, Wow! This year started profound here, in the Twin Flame department. In our online community, we had 2 cases of people having reached the state of consciousness of Harmonious Twin Flame Union, that it is all about. TWO! Bam. In our social media outreach, in YouTube video's this has been discussed by [...]

By |2024-08-25T09:08:41+00:00March 27th, 2024|about us, love, magic|0 Comments

Union Vision for 2024

My heart goes out to a situation in which the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are on equal level and in their own power and world, while at the same time being FULLY connected by the peaceful in-between-land of sacred silence, friendship and rest where the tree of Union roots and grows. I love [...]

By |2024-08-25T09:08:55+00:00December 29th, 2023|love, magic|0 Comments
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