Emotional Strategizing – Stop being unsure and Create IT guaranteed

The deeply assisting invisible can become the groundwork of your life - including such concrete expressions of value as money - when you use emotional strategizing. To have this be a Soulful, even Divine event, rather then a manipulative one, you let the strategy come from Divine Wisdom. To make this easy, there is a [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:49:08+00:00June 24th, 2021|about us, magic|0 Comments

Process & Procedure applied to Soul Money on the Divine Money Path

On the Divine Money path your eyes will be opened. For me this was for instance getting full clarity about when people are in for the money-because-of-money, in places where I did not understand it existed. Busting such an illusion can for a short while be unpleasant but also of great transformative power. In the [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:49:45+00:00May 2nd, 2021|magic, money|0 Comments

The Divine Money Path: 5 Ways to be on it for you to be Assured of your Outcome – New LOA Revisited

On The Divine Money Path, you: 1 open yourself to learning again, even though you deem yourself already educated. 2 choose the shortcut presented to you by God, and you persist even though it may go down at first. 3 allow yourself to finally stop reasoning against yourself, because things are different then you think. [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:49:58+00:00April 12th, 2021|magic, money|0 Comments

5 Abundance Building Principles: a sneak peek inside the GOLD Membership

Podcast 1: The Enigmatic Practicality Podcast starring PEJ - Occult Business Confessions This is your unique chance to get a peek inside the Gold membership. The first lessons including personal anecdotes will be presented to you in the podcast. 1 This work came into being as a means to manifest your soul abundance [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:50:09+00:00April 9th, 2021|about us, love, magic, money|0 Comments

What is Soul Money? 3 Divine Definitions that Assist You Right Away

    1 It is the money that you can download right now in your bank account from your invisible Divine Inheritance through available interest in your value exchange proposal linked to your True Mission. 2 It is the life force energy in your body-vehicle system made visible through having enough Being so [...]

By |2024-08-25T14:50:17+00:00April 9th, 2021|magic, money|0 Comments
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