I am the second Harmonious Twin Flame Union transmitter in the world. There are currently only two places in the Universe where you can get the real deal. And I am the first to integrate it in a full all-round mystery school system according to Divine Feminine principles, that also gives you the Union versions of daily life, creativity and business topics. That is to say: it will open in full capacity real soon (stay tuned!).

What I love is the enormous success the work has that I share. I brought 4 people to Harmonious Union and since this is universe-wide only in the dozens, this is big. For everyone beside that it has meant they literally speed forward on their Twin Flame journey. But you’ve gotta do it through me, the way is through my repaired relationship with Divine Mother and some don’t like that. They stay separated from me and are confused as to why I speak of success for everyone involved.

You can’t stay separated from me (essentially, in relationship, monetarily, in respect and so on) and expect things to become miraculously moving forward. You’ll need to accept that I am here to share exactly this, and although I have friendship as a baseline of dealing with one another, you’ll need to indeed see me for the teacher of it that I am. Just like you can’t stay separated from your Twin Flame and simultaneously claim Union, reject your role in it yet think you can make it work. It is a coming together in Truth we are talking about. You don’t need to come live in my house though (there’s no availability for it as well, said just in case).

They think they can learn a thing or two from me, by listening well and picking out of it some things they like for themselves. But that’s not how Union coaching works and not how your own Union works as well. It means you need to come together respectfully to be able to receive the transmission. At the end of the day, all methods are only prep for that. It means you also use your money for it because you also want to have results for you that are concrete and physical juts as money is a symbol of the material world; you don’t want to only ‘get it’ with your brain and have a fantasy in your soul.

Through this reality of how things work, I guarantee success. Because I have seen it every time. And I promise to put everything in that you need for it. And I am sure that is enough, because I have given everything in it myself already, I know that my relationship with the Giver is solid. This is how I know that through me, your results are law. Until you manifest yours, you do all the methods and choose to go into the opportunities I offer. And afterwards, you still keep at it, because it is a beautiful lifestyle and now you understand that EVERYTHING comes through this certificate – and keeps on coming through it.

“So what about those that did not have success in your community?”, you could ask. They didn’t start the coming together yet, they merely look around and do some of the free stuff, which is 1000% allowed because that’s why it’s there but you’ve of course gotta then decide to dive in when what you see is good and you see others that have done so succeed. They stay apart. They deny and eventually leave. You can do that, that’s up to you; my guarantee is of course not about that one. You’ve gotta actually DO the thing fully in all aspects, commit and keep at it.

In that sense, you guarantee it to yourself. You can do it! Because I believe in our relationship.