In this timeless pick a card reading with tarot and life purpose cards, we work out what your soul identity is and how to make a fruitful step forward in your current endeavor in money and/or love.
Quiz out your Creator Type to know which reading to pick:
- Intro explaining Creative ID 00:08
- Pick your Reading from the pic 15:20
- Coach Creator Type 16:14
- Creator Creator Type 38:39
- Builder Creator Type 1:00:44
- Acknowledger Creator Type 1:17:39
[blog] Your Creative ID is the key to the New World:
[music] Text sung during the pick a card picture: “I am the dancer of stories, the connector of movement” (in Dutch), from the track Crown of Creation by FNSounds in cola with Petra Else Jekel, together called Audiopoetry, see here for more:…
Special Pick A Card Reading Video Offer For Viewers:
*Get your individual reading done about soulful money or twin flame love, by writing an email to with Reading and your choice of Money or Love (plus your Creative ID type if you like) mentioned. Also, pay 17 Euro via PayPal When both steps are done, usually this will be delivered within a couple of days to your mail address.
To Go Deeper, Make Your Choice Of The Official Readings:
*Spiritual Journey Quickening
*Make Your Most Out of your Magic to Create MEconomy
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Creative Universe has the education for the grounded life full of magic that you truthfully desire. After twenty years of learning, experience and developing on our side, we extend our love and method to you now.
Creativity for us is both the souls pure life stream, as well as the way you uniquely shape that in your love life, relationships, service, project, artistic oeuvre, business, money. We provide a bridge between both that is called Creative ID.
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*** The only Magic that is True is LOVE ***
Music in video by FN Sounds
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