Join the social media challenge week that starts Mon Oct 21st!

This is the secret you’ve been waiting for, even when you didn’t realize this in any sort of way: money can be connected intimately to your Twin Flame Union & Mission success. Letting it flow through your Union desire will make it all physically enjoyable before you know it.

You start up the flow to make it come to you first, then elongate that movement in sharing it through your spiritual Union and it will materialize. This is true because of Gods providence of how things work. You need however very practical instruments that are aligned with leading edge money and business ideas as well.

To make that all work together for you, I propose a 5 day plus BONUS day social media challenge. Take part and learn, have fun, share. Make a start with what accelerates your Union and Mission process and invest a couple hours becoming richer in experiences, explanation and inspiration.

What you get:

  • Inspirational emails
  • 5 Days of workbook chapters that you can download
  • A Facebook group to talk about how you are progressing
  • A social meeting in Zoom among participants
  • Educational content on my social media
  • Webinar on what it means to follow the Divine Money Path
  • Bonusses!

You will travel through the following 7 main topics:

  1. Feeling good and prosperity in challenging times
  2. Transform the saboteur
  3. Retain your creative qualities when transforming offers
  4. Take care of the lover in you
  5. Visibility on social media
  6. Set new goals
  7. Placing goals in the energy field of creation

In it, you will:

  • Learn how negative emotion is blocking your money flow right now and how to resolve this
  • Meeting the money saboteur and transforming him into a loving ally
  • Get inspired on how to connect your money life to your Twin Flame Union & Mission desires
  • Learn about different options to get money to flow towards you so that you’ll be able to invest and leverage your journey so you’ll reach success soon
  • Gain clarity about how you can build your entrepreneurship with good earning opportunities while continuing to respect your souls creative qualities and take them as a basis


We start officially on Monday October 21st with the start event on 4PM Amsterdam time that is a live video in the dedicated Game Facebook group (London 3PM, 10AM New York, 7AM LA, 7.30PM New Delhi, 1AM Tuesday Sydney, 4AM Honolulu, 10PM Manila).


I could sell this entire experience for 499 Euro but I decided that I won’t, because I’d rather want you to benefit from the education. I give it away for free.


Join for free here by giving me your name and mail address so I can send you the letters that will guide your through the entire experience: 🔥🔥

See you on the inside!
