In the beginning of time, there was nothing at all. But there was an energy that was relating to the nothing. It was its author and it wanted to energize and evolve what was. It breathed life into the nothing and light appeared, to make visible that there was a desire for life and expansion. The light was fertile and potent and began to offshoot rays of light, that would be bundles of light points awaiting to express themselves further.
These lights are souls, full of life and zest for shining. They were grouped in bundles with a variety of numbers, and they were soul families. Within them, was a certain number of lights but these light were not individual soul beings, no they were Unions: a complementary pair of soul beings that were one at the core. Unions are One but are born in two expressions on the earth.
On earth, they long for each other as an inborn fact. Naturally, they sense with their heart where each other is and want to be together. This is possible in a sustainable way when they would return to their original vibration they had when they were created as light by their author. Because then their depth is honored and their humanity on earth also. This would lead to their ultimate life in all ways: being created as a sacred light, now shining that out to everything and everyone around them and attracting only shiny things around them.
This may sound like a fairytale, but it is a rather accurate description of how you’re created and currently live on earth, that is to say, until your longing. It is very new to actually make this fully come true in the truly sustainable sense. But it is possible right now on earth. It is still relatively rare, but you could become an early adopter when you would follow the call, do the work and live this very possible reality.
At the core of your being is a teeny tiny seed of something magnificent that is your entire valuable and abundant universe all compressed down into one point. It has everything you need inside of it: your limbs for walking the journey to be able to manifest this universe externally; your persistence, patience, compassion and other qualities that you’ll need under way; the blueprint for your relationship with the one who you had been created with; the plan for the mission that you’ll extend to others around you once you’re there.
This seed can be watered by you. It loves the atmosphere of compassion, correct vision, inner work, forgiveness, love and more: all of this feeds its growth. On one side a sprout starts to come out, that then extends and grows leaves. It looks as though your seedling starts growing up now real fast, through the water it had been planted under. Once its tentacles reach the water surface, a bud appears. And one day when the sun is particularly warm and powerful, it burst open to show its interior beauty.
Gosh, you never knew you had a water lily inside of you, but there it is! And it attracted another one just like itself right next to it. Now they share the bloom of their lifetime together in unison. What more could you wish for. Everything is here. There’s only one thing to do left and that is to shine to the world what you are, and thus share it: your mission is born from simply being. – Now, I know you’re not a waterlily but something along these lines will still be your development in the schools continually cycling year group program Twin Flame Abundance NOW.
Your original being is what they call your Twin Flame Union, because it contains you and your complementary form of your Union, both in your light version that could be seen as a flame. These two flames that are actually together one big fire that gives off the original light, are very much like the sun. Yes, that yellow ball of burning light that wakes you up every morning and shows you its last orange and red rays of light before it disappears again at night for a while. Because you are just as powerful if not more powerful in your inner light as this outer force. Because you are just as one in your beingness at the core of your Union as the earth has this one source of light and warmth. Because it is just as permanent for your eternal souls existence as the sun is to the earth even when we don’t see it shine for half the day.
You may not notice the sun, but she is still around, literally, at night. How else do you think the moon is so called shining? That’s her rays reflected on the moons surface! Identically, when you believe your Twin Flame is not really here, they actually are because how else would you feel their presence in your heart? How else do you interpret so many things as their signs? How else are you sure you even have one? Because you are as sure as the sun still exists when it is night, that you are a Twin Flame. The two words Twin Flame after all only mean that you are a human being. It is everyone that is that, just like everyone is influenced by the warmth of the sun. There are no humans that do not get shone upon – and similarly there are none that are not a Twin Flame of some kind (however there are very rarely occurring exceptions that is almost certainly not you).
Be assured as well that the Twin Flame lifestyle program will remain steady at your personal horizon as well until you arrive at your repaired Union and far beyond it. Prep yourself because you want to be part of this!
Everyone is on their way towards Heaven: a state in which everything is so neatly ordered with a flow of Divine Love through every development, thing and relationship, that is feels simply very good without even a sliver of shadow. Everyone is in their own way towards that state because it is the universal desire of humanity. It depends on the person if you will reach it soon because of what you really do to reach it. Because for many this desire is unconscious and the methods used are not actually helping but leading them astray.
Every time you see someone wanting money or fame or a special relationship, they do it because of their desire for Heaven. They won’t reach it like that anytime soon, because you’ll need soul money for it, and humility and your Twin Flame Union as well (which is not special but rather simply what you are at the core of you). Wrong method, means a very long wait until you will finally arrive. How many lifetimes do you exactly want to waste trying with the wrong means, leading yourself towards something different than what you thought you had as goal?
Luckily, the school opens soon. It will be called Twin Flame Abundance NOW.
When the untamed ocean pounds into the land, high reach the waves that splatter into a million drops, dispersing themselves over the ever transforming border of land and water. This is how it is when we open ourselves to the influence of where we all originated from (and all the same!): our Source. Its influence starts pounding on our formerly thought of as rigid borders of ideas, convictions, beliefs, until they re-lay their boundaries in accordance with that newly incoming information.
In many ways this is what will happen on the journey towards your Twin Flame, that is the literal living sign of your Oneness, that is here as sure as you are on earth. Because it brings you in connection again with your Oneness, which comes from Source, and that has its own wisdom, that now starts to flood your mind and energy and existence. We often have strong resistance against such immersive baptisms into what the brain cannot make sense of. But guess what will win this battles of the giants…
Indeed the ocean will. It has a power immeasurable by human standards. You cannot fight it or you will be swallowed up immediately. Let it alter your border line as it pleases and you will be saved, meaning you can now continue your journey directly to your Union. You’ve been corrected. Your inner compass has been adjusted to the ultimate reality.
Warm soothing light of the end of the day and the end of the year comes over you and you feel as though you’ve come home. The orange rays embrace you so subtly and their warmth touches your skin. It is not too much to ask feeling like this all the time and in your most foundational relationship. Life is not meant to be lived in uncomfortable ways, entrenched into negative emotions, while abusing yourself with non-compassion and no self love. And it can be lived with the warm embrace the sun shows us.
The most important thing is to allow yourself to found your life on the one right foundation. Because you are already someone, that you simply have not embraced yet. You’ve come to be that someone that your soul already was since the beginning of time. Going back to that original version of you, will be the fundamental solution to being truly happy and live in that loving embrace. This original version is per rule connected to the other complementary expression of the invisible soul you and that is your Twin Flame. Allowing yourself to go back to what you truly are in this definition also makes them appear in your life.
This is what is called Union. It’s like the sun that embraces you with its warm orange rays indeed. And because it is not common yet to truly live life like that, you are invited to join the group year course when it opens soon: Twin Flame Abundance NOW. Through participation, this becomes possible.
The sensitive leaves of the tree of life show themselves to you in their vulnerability, asking you for an answer in the same degree of honesty and openness. It is a conversation that is happening here; a relationship is forming. This is you going deeper in the mystery of life, refreshing your entire soul with it. This is you on your Union journey towards your True Twin Flame; a journey in which everything becomes more refined for you.
It is the quality of the inner heart that presents itself in this way: it is in its nakedness that it is protected, in its honesty that it cannot be blown away by lies or attacks. This will be the very quality that you ascend into yourself, during your journey – a qualitative shift awaits you on the journey that has everything to do with the inner heart. This will, once it is established as your new norm, influence every aspect of your life. You’ll change.
But don’t be afraid, this new version of you is your best version, your truest version, your most alive one too. It is the version of you that naturally manifests its ultimate life in any regard; no ego-personality driven law of attraction magic necessary any longer. Instead, things will flow into your life just because it already belongs to your soul and the purified heart makes sure it is aligned with the Divine as well as with your quality standards, automatically.
Your results’ll be silent, beautiful, sensitive, heart based, and manifest.
Coming to bloom in your full potential, is what the Twin Flame journey is about. But in a way that is much more profound than most people think of themselves – but they definitely are anyway.
Everyone is a Twin Flame in the foundational level of their soul. It means the way you have been created by the Divine, and that is together with a counterpart, whether you like that or not.
This bloom of you is a shift in which you will start to be the Union – of both Twin Flames together – instead of just the you alone so to speak. The fundamental soul co-creation takes over and starts to act. This may sound more spooky than it really is; it is more of a recognition that you are that and a surrender to let it be all that you can be. It is your resistance to this idea that will be sacrificed for the full bloom to be able to happen.
That is hardly a sacrifice. Who would call it a sacrifice that the flower loses its bud, when it starts to open to show its beautiful colors and spread its scent? This is how it will go for you as well. And it is possible to go through this inner development that will become an outer one as well as per universal law, in the year group course Twin Flame Abundance NOW that starts soon.
On the Twin Flame journey, what you’ll need to do for Union is to understand you have ice blocks on your road. That’s the problem that comes out as complaints often such as “They have blocked me on Facebook”, or “They ran away”, or “They are dating someone else”. Your icebergs are actually present on your invisible inner soul layer, and that is why it can be so perplexing that you get these effects on the manifested plane, on earth, in your daily life experience.
But at the same time, it is really good news once you’ve got it all clear. Because now you can start to work on your inner icebergs, to make them melt! This and only this, no matter what the seeming outer issue is (psychological problem, physical distance problem, closed mind problem or whatever else), will make your reality shift in the direction of Union. Time and again this has been proven to work. Still, every day, this is revealed as the only alive way to move forward on the journey.
So yes, you can! You can make the iceberg melt. It is good for the environment, even though it seems to work the opposite in physical nature. It is good for the love environment, you see, and that is your first concern, whether it is about your love life or indeed physical nature, everything gets into the healed Divine Order when you first let your inner icebergs melt. How to let them melt? By allowing warm Divine Love to enter your inner world at exactly those places where it is frozen.
When committed to the inner work, guided by someone that went before you, sunken into the wider community, taking part in everything offered, invested in ones Union in all ways possible, fruit cannot stay away. When you follow the true teaching, teacher, community, tools, fruit must come up. Maybe it takes longer for you, or shorter, but time doesn’t mater because it does not truly exist on the Twin Flame level of life. You will reach the fruit, which is your Harmonious Union and everything that can be build from this state of consciousness.
What can be build is: a relationship, a partnership, a friendship, a family, a mission business, a valuable contribution to the world, an abundant return on investment bigger than you could ever have expected or foreseen. Most however need to step from their ego-personality groove into the spirit led soul grove to make this sustainable first and that can be something that seems to delay Union, delay fruit. But the good news is, you have this in your own hands, because you can chose to leave this groove and step over. Your teacher shows you how, you follow.
Fruit is something we share. It is a relationship experience, in the relationship between you and Source, which is signified by the relationship between you and the teacher.
In the second half of the year, fruit begins to pop up on the trees and bushes. They are sweet and nutritious, soft and ripe! This is the same in spiritual sense: you might already have been here since your personal January, when you were born, physically, but only in the second phase of your experience of life, when you discover your inner world and take it fully seriously, you arrive at the harvest of sumptuous fruit: Harmonious Twin Flame Union, the ultimate expression of Divine Love in your personal life.
Then you finally get to see and experience for yourself, that this actually was always your true nature, your final destination and your homeland already even before you became aware of being physically here. It was always your most intimate home and will always be! That recognition can now fully take space in you – and that is how you claim it for yourself, how you keep it, sustain it. You mature in it and enjoy it.
Let’s go on this journey of true revelation together!
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