When I was twenty years old, I met my spiritual teacher in a yoga studio in the city I moved to to study art history at the university. Immediately I felt something profound click in with me, there was this recognition in one second that this energy was what was like home to me. This was kind of strange, when you’d only judge the world by its outer layers, because I had never met this man before in this lifetime. But it was the reason I started to read his books, come more often to his gatherings and eventually I dove all-in.

At these times he moved to a new place much further away, but it quickly became a destination for his students like me, that traveled to the woods of this nature reserve region over the border where his house was now located. I remember with fondness the roads I walked for an hour to his house, over the sloping hills that were almost overgrown with pine trees. Less and less houses would be visible next to the road and then you’d arrive in this valley of peace, where a clattering water stream was falling off of the pebbled grounds.

There, I had conversations alone with him and when I was 25 in 2025 I experienced a complete heart opening right there in his presence. But years later, after so many other experiences had come into my life as well that I will speak about at other occasions, I started to remember much clearer that these were not the only days I walked down hilly paths to his simple but light and gold adorned home: I had done this before in perfectly similar circumstances, in an earlier lifetime that I started to remember more and more, also because it had been the one before this one in time, in the nineteenth century.

It had also been relatively well documented and these documents returned to me also: there were visuals of the same kind of valley where my Master had lived at that time, even though it had been in a completely different country, at the other side of the world. However, I knew he had in this lifetime also lived there for some years, when he was still going deeper to become a teacher. Tibet seemed out of my reach now (while it actually was for everyone in the nineteenth century lol), but Belgium was fine for me to learn more from this Jnani (Magician) that brought the original Raja (Royal) Yoga to life.

I’ll be honest, he actually taught Universal Yoga, his invention, that encompassed all kinds of yoga known to mankind, and then proceeded to be more of a teacher by example, by shining it out, a living symbol for the ever so valuable Soul, that we could have a relationship with, so the relationship became the teaching. Didn’t realize it at the time, but now I know it was all so remarkably recognizable for me, because I myself had actually been practicing and teaching Raja Yoga in my former lifetime. My book about it still accessible today.

It feel it is pretty much misunderstood in pop history that I disliked Hatha Yoga, or body posture yoga, that is the most well known form today in the western world. I actually did that with my teacher too, but the accent was on the consciousness transformation that was able to be experienced through it. See, that’s the main point: it is always about a consciousness change that gives you everything, not gymnastics alone, devoid of that. Simple. I still stand for that, because I agree with my teacher. This is why we pretty much don’t move in my current offer of mediation or meditational yoga, which is pretty much what it is. But I also offer some meditational yoga in which there is more movement or postures if you will, these exercises I do every morning and they are explained in the Sexual Magic E-Course. Bear in mind the body is never without movement as that would mean you’re dead.

Although I in this lifetime spend 20 years with my teacher (-s Sanga witch means community), of which most of the time from a distance though, and it thus seems like I was pretty much on the road for becoming a Yogic teacher of some sort (even through western people think the word yoga always means asana’s or body postures and you’d be pretty much be a gymnastics teacher which couldn’t be further from the truth), I was actually called away from that road when the Christ Masters called me. I knew it was time be to with them for a bit instead and that made me grow beyond it all, integrate the Twin Flame reality into it as well and then experiment with the reality of being a teacher of it for a hand full of years as well.

I feel that is why I was lead to bring you these two steps: 1 start to sink deeper into our energy and reach the beginning of the mind, to help become more open for the true transformation Twin Flame Union asks for, we can call this meditative yoga for instance, but the name doesn’t matter; 2 then start to do the actual Twin Flame inner work, which includes turning everything around, so that you are catapulted deep into that mind field, where the Twin Flame anchors in and start to live there definitively while choosing the Twin Flame to be with you in that right now.

Let’s take it easy and simply start with some moments in silence, feeling ourselves, then slowly opening for some energy in ourselves, to let a drop of Source influence into us. We’ll do that in 11 Twin Flame Meditation episodes on a weekly basis during the fall of 2024. This will make you feel relaxed beyond the body relaxation, and it includes body relaxation. You’ll just sit and do minimal body gestures. And are guided through your feeling journey. It feels good. There is no true distinction line between a simple meditation and where healing with energy work starts, as it has the potential to include enormous healing always – and because we work with the Twin Flame energy system specifically as well. It will thus heal you as well. Join us!

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These are some of my general Twin Flame advices the are fit to know here:

13 Steps Course to Feel Your Feelings & KEY – Feeling your feelings is step 1

Turning your feelings around with the KEY tool is step 2

Here, you see that step 1 is feeling your feelings. Then in step 2 we turn them around in the KEY tool. This implies that first we do well with meditation, to get more relaxed and sink into our feeling body that is our energy field, as a preparatory step before doing the actual Twin Flame work. That’s why we do the meditation course!

More about the 9 point energy system we use as underlay for the meditations as well, you can find inside this blog or in this book.

So, to look at things again, I work in this lifetime, with consciousness meditation, with using the 9 formulated energy points, with the notion that the 13 steps of feeling your feelings are in fact inside of these practices as well, so you don’t spiritually bypass emotions. Is stretching and gymnastics wrong? I’d be a hypocrite to proclaim that as I was an accomplished ballet dancer as a child and teenager.

I share that the Twin Flame inner work has a deeper emphasis on turning your emotions around to deeper feeling states of the soul so you can build yourself up in the way that is conducive for Union, and turning your perceptions of others, the Twin Flame and the world around to yourself and researching what it means so that you can love yourself right there where exactly it hurts in you. This is the KEY exercise.

Both fields of spiritual action I advice, help and deeper each other.