Answers to what people say (to themselves) and what teachers do wrong NOBODY wants to hear.

“I already have that.”

Oh really, what someone has gotten with working with the new Christ Masters on earth in person? You already have that? You already are in in Harmonious Twin Flame Union that is right now only the case for a couple dozen? You already are initiated by Divine Mother to be a Twin Flame spiritual teacher, which has taken me 7 years on top of training to become an energy spiritual teacher? You must be really special. Unfortunately for you, only people that are humble enough to realize they are not special can reach Union and can lead people to it.

“I already know that.”

Oh really, why do you not have the Harmonious Twin Flame Union then? We only truly know what we embody. Other things are merely intellectually understood, which has no transformative power. It does not create anything. Additionally, I highly doubt you already know what I teach because they are not the same tepid errors that are spread so widely these days.

“They also have Twin Flame success.”

I highly doubt that! It is very unique what we do here. I would be simply lying if I told you otherwise. I’m happy you got inspired at other places and then found us here, but what I offer has not much to nothing to do with most other so called Twin Flame places and does not offer what they do, as in: does not lead to the same destination. Their work does lead to an illusion. You might feel like you’re reaching some success, but it might not even be your true Twin Flame you achieve that with. Let alone you reach the genuine joy, happiness and soulful pleasure it is really all about. You’ll also not unlock the true abundance it is all about, coming to you from the Kingdom within.

“I’m not going to spend money on my Union.”

Well, good luck with making it come true then! Money is an awesome tool to make stuff become activated and thus real, true, manifest. When you’re missing out on that power, you might as well call it a day on your entire journey, because it will hardly ever lead to anything real. You may think that you can just do you and listen to the universe, but did that work out for you already, after how many years exactly? Spending money on yourself is a perfect solution to indicate to Divine Mother you are ready to get the real answers and have them become concrete in also a much shorter time then you otherwise would’ve needed to struggle through these deeply touching changes that require a master to be able to guide yourself through them; a journey that most probably never would’ve ended even after a couple lifetimes, when done alone, especially at this time in universal development in which this path is still incredibly young.

“I don’t need spiritual coaching.”

Listen, I became initiated to become a teacher by life itself, but I certainly enjoyed a couple of decades of intense, paid spiritual coaching. It’s for sure the case that in a certain sense these things seem to stand unconnected beside each other and life just happens, but there is in fact an intimate connection between both that goes deeper than what we can ever grasp with our earthly body, energy and mindset. Now I can be that force for you and yes, that goes under names as coaching and teaching, because they are fit terms for it. When you want to loose weight, you go to a weight loss coach and you pay them; when your teeth hurt you go a dentist and you pay them (random examples). Follows when you want to get into Harmonious Union and thus transform your entire life, you go a Twin Flame coach, enter into a coaching relationship for at least a couple years and pay them for it.

“I don’t like this Twin Flame you gave me.”

I am not the one that concocted who your Twin Flame is; there is only one true answer to who it is and that is being revealed to us in the process. My task is to point you towards that revelation, that may in the beginning possibly be more on my side than on yours, because I am the teacher and that means I go before you. I went before you in time, to the consciousness state of Harmonious Twin Flame Union and I also am initiated to be the teacher in the sense that the revelation of your Union may come to me first and then it will flow towards you and we have a moment in which we see it together and then you start to process this Truth for yourself, which includes learning the lesson that means you’ll eventually say yes to it on your own volition also. Who it is, I have no personal influence on; what I can do is help you get clear on your True Twin Flame situation. Because maybe you become aware of them and with that, some aspect arises that you don’t like because it represents a lesson you’ll need to learn, such as when your Twin Flame has another body then you thought or when they have another identity then you presumed (it is not your false Twin Flame in other words, and you are disappointed by that). These are your inner work requests coming from the Divine to you, so that you’ll step into your Union purified. I’m here for you to work on that, I’ll be standing with my arms open wide in compassion to embrace you in your sorrow until it has been learned and the issue has passed, for you to arrive in the romance of eternity. I can’t take that opportunity away from you without being a major asshole scammer, so I won’t.


What Twin Flame teachers do wrong:

They claim to teach something they don’t have. You can’t pass on the state of consciousness in which Twin Flames arrive in their Harmonious Union, when you don’t have it yourself. When you don’t have that you don’t know what you are doing at all and that is very dangerous. Because Twin Flames refers to the soul level of actual living people, you can bring their soul into disarray and yours too as a result of the karma accrued for your unwarranted actions.

They don’t know it is about consciousness. Indeed, they probably don’t even have an overview of how things really work. When you leave consciousness out altogether, you are simply manipulating with relationships, back and forth, left and right, a little bit more compassionate or a tad more egotistical, but still always in all cases separate from the one and only binding factor that Twin Flames actually have and what their Union floats on. You are, in other words, an agent of destruction that promotes separation.

They are not with their Twin Flame. I know they probably appear with a person on your screen, but that is likely not their Twin Flame, as opposed to what they state. You may feel they sound like such a deserving person, they are so likable. And that is fine in itself, but when they are not with their True Twin Flame (which they likely aren’t) and at the same time promulgate they are, that means they are lying to you. Maybe they believe in their own lies: even worse, because you are uncorrectable. People that lie to you in the department that you want help with, are not in the position to do so.

They lead people into spiritual destruction. Indeed, because they are essentially lying to you. Your abundance door only opens with the True Twin Flame in the right consciousness and you won’t find that in this way. You will find perhaps some ego relief, some spiritual sounding wisdom that you don’t apply to your actual life, but that door will stay closed. You’ll become confused and stray further from Home.

They are part of a mass deception. The industry is rapidly growing on social media, in Facebook groups and YouTube video’s. But most is not the real deal and scams you shamelessly out of your money as a result. Particularly those that only sell you stories (with cards) and have little to nothing backing that up when you go into their space a little deeper. Even those very few that come up with some truths read into higher spiritual realms, don’t have the capacity to guide you there, make it come true, bring you to Harmonious Union.

I don’t say all of this lightly – at all. I took a couple of decades after several lifetimes of inner work, to study this irl before I opened my mouth and needed to be pushed forward for years on end by Divine Mother herself before I dared speak up at all. Even though I always already had wanted to take you on the journey to it. Only now everything has for me fallen on a definitive place – a place where I sadly also can see these observations…


What I cannot give when you don’t come (and keep on coming):

Harmonious Union – I can’t bring you to the consciousness state in which you are sure it is your True Twin Flame, and you can start to build on the relationship and your life together in a way that can not be made undone anymore and that will actually exude the joy it is truly supposed to be about.

Union in Flow – I can’t take you to the place where your energy flow is healed and your spirit is at Union level so you can start to relate happily with your True Twin Flame.

Mission – Together we can find out what your Twin Flame Mission is and what is helpful for you to do to go deeper into it. This is a helpful practice to call in your Harmonious Union and also the way you will become active after it.

Divine Mothers’ Blessings – There can be many miscellaneous blessings that Divine Mother wants me to pass on to you, such as soul information helpful for your Union, practices that will free you from unconscious negative patterns, health instructions, trauma work, curse clearing and more. Some can be given in our between-sessions-relationship; some are given in sessions that are fit for it.

The teaching comes from in between people; the value idem ditto. Yes with your Twin Flame but that is precipitated and overseen by a teacher. I can only be that for you and give you everything, when you allow me to do so. Get out of the way, follow the options that are presented and actually enter them.


What I advice to expect in investments and time:

At this moment, I advice people to phase themselves into a 1on1 relationship and count on that to be a regular thing for at least 1,5 years to start with. After you may have reached Harmonious Twin Flame Union, at a certain time that is fit for uniquely you, you stay and keep close for at least 1,5 years also. Soon, you’ll also be able to make use of the year group, for which it is the same. You can also do my e-courses individually. These are minimum estimations for your comfort and best results.

I advise to come every week for the 50 min KEY Sessions for Facebook group members to not become overwhelmed and once a month for VIP Sessions; they can be taken both in this rhythm simultaneously. Soon (written fall 2024) the year group course starts and you’ll be able to have that as basis, to which one might still add the before mentioned individual options if one desires. For the group option, I recommend seeing you’re going to partake 3-5 years up front would be a good idea.

At this moment I value Harmonious Union at around 5000 Euro. This is in some cases spend at once but in many cases over time. All prices will rise over time. All of what has been talked about here could look different in a couple years time: higher prices because of the bigger vibrational value. But what stays valid is you have to come for some years and yes stay indefinitely otherwise you will become confused and fall away.

You borrow my direct Divine Mother Union and relationship through buying all my services and products (and buying all all of them is adviced) and thus make it accessible for yourself, then start and develop within the embrace of staying here a relationship on your own as well that makes it easy to be with your Twin Flame.


In practice many very rude things tend to happen:

Since I started sharing the Truth all my Twin Flame friends walked away, because it did not accord with their presupposed notions. The fact that I cracked the code for myself (and soon afterwards also for others! but we speak in the beginning now) was apparently of less importance than their ego and our friendship.

People that don’t pay, don’t want their Harmonious Union when it is finally presented to them. What more can I say, this is what experience taught me. I feel it is about rejecting your own value. When you do that, you won’t allow yourself to invest in yourself and thus you will also reject your True Twin Flame, because they are you on the spirit level.

People often get the biggest gift from Divine Mother via me and they think it’s just some suggestion from a friend they can just as well ignore. While I’m happy you see me as your friend, and I actually am, it makes no sense as to the profundity of the message and the investments that I have done to be able to give you of it. Getting a message from Her through me is immensely valuable and you’ll never be able to pay back for it all.

People have sometimes worked for months to their Harmonious Union in my context and when arrived did not even say thank you, sometimes nothing at all. I’m beyond delighted for people that reach the end of the journey, but we all do that in a community that is a human one, that works with gratitude and giving. When you can’t act like a human being, you’ll probably fall out of this state real soon as well, because inside of it, you’ll need to build an actual relationship with your Twin Flame.

Some people have their trauma come in real fast when they start the process and then make it out to be my fault somehow. This is projection and an invitation to do your inner work to the depth of this trauma until it is released. This is an awesome place to do that when you stop putting it on me first.

Don’t let that be you. You’re going to do exactly that to your Twin Flame as what you’re doing to me. Don’t be rude, you’ll get this mirrored back in life as per universal law and you end our relationship here because I go by normal social rules. People that have ended their relationship with me unequivocally, I acknowledge in what they have done by removing them.

You better make use of the Twin Flame teacher incredibly well because it may very well be that you currently are not fit to have a ** healthy ** relationship with your Twin Flame. You’ve got to understand that living in Union augments your current state of being tremendously, because it is shared with another person in relationship in the first place and because it is secondly the Twin Flame that will by law of spiritual nature mirror back to you what you exude diligently.

When you thus exude (sometimes unbeknownst to yourself!) even the most modest amounts of mental health issues, multigenerational soul curses, emotional instability, self rejection and/or attachment problems for instance (or many other possible things), you can be sure that this creates a big social emotional problem in your relationship that will upset you deeply.

For sure the Twin Flame relationship essentially resolves them itself, because to be able to stay together and in the correct consciousness state as well, you’ll need to and actually will, work through them to completion. This can be an especially steep phase of the inner work one does on this path, that is totally worthwhile because it is the only place in the universe where you can completely heal from these issues.

But when you have your Twin Flame teacher, you can become aware of these issues and also, importantly, resolve them in that relationship already for a big part and have less of an issue or less of a repercussion and consequences in your Union. This includes exactly those symptoms most everyone complains about (“they ran away”, “they blocked me on Facebook” et cetera) and strands completely on, so you better take this into account very seriously.

Everything of value is experienced and worked out between people, in relationship. The Twin Flame relationship places that on a completely different level, that can bring you the ultimate love experience in a Divine Romance. But first, it is the place of deep soul level healing and the Twin Flame teacher is the one that guides you through this seemingly impassable labyrinth safely.

You really desire that soul healing. That is why you are here. Now, love yourself correctly and start it up.

I want to address one more point of importance. Although I stress the necessity to invest monetarily, it is just as important to invest socially and become present as a fully rounded human being in the (online) community around the teacher. Don’t hide in this environment.

Often, then students will need to use the relationship with the teacher herself as a means to go deeper and release oneself from restricting patterns, meaning that one does inner work on what one projects on the teacher and repairs oneself there.

I would like to roll the things out for you individually that are important for only you to move through so you’ll be able to go to your Harmonious Union fast and build a relationship inside of that as quickly as is comfortable for your Union as well. I can only execute what Divine Mothers says is in your case important, if you let me. If you come and keep on coming for a longer time.

And remember Twin Flame lessons, their identity and when you are in Harmonious Union, are not opinions. It’s not a discussion we are having where every participant has a say and then we democratically decide what the compromise is going to be. No, instead it’s Divine Revelation that is made come true through the relationship between student and teacher.

And be aware that you actually step into a traditional spiritual development relationship with a teacher, that however is updated to be able to pass on the leading edge Twin Flame teaching to you also. And that Harmonious Union makes you very high, and being with the teacher also, but that is not what it is about, so don’t misuse this sacred vibration.

For some, the ‘rules’ of Twin Flame Union development seem to speak to a controlling culture they potentially suffered in childhood, in their career, romantic relationship or most probably their own head (how they deal with themselves!). This indicates that you are malformed and potentially traumatized but not that the Sacred Space of coming into Harmonious Union doesn’t need certain clarifications. Otherwise you’d already be in it and you wouldn’t have any question about it – you wouldn’t be reading this.

It’s not a new form of (spiritual) control, it is the opposite of it: a way of speaking about the sacred architecture of life itself and making that come true for yourself in a way that is rather quick. Exactly what you actually want! It is simply a matter of positive education and the communication of that.

If you want to know if I’m lying to you, please ask God yourself and get your answers directly from the One source of Truth. Should you ever find something I was wrong about after all when you’ve arrived then let me know, as I am a humble servant of Divine Mother that learns every day and is correctable by Truth because that is how I got here in the first place.

And lastly, the Twin Flame endeavor is not some strange secret you anxiously need to keep from other people in your life. That may point to you hiding from even receiving the Twin Flame success you’re actually desiring. It’s not a secret sect – and it’ll only make things in your Union be like secret sect habits. Don’t do that to yourself! It is about every person, normal people, human development.

Also, coaching is not a certificate of incapacity or a show of incompetence; everyone needs 3 years of coaching to go there, the earlier you accept that, the quicker you’ll arrive. There is nothing more normal than going to some place when you want to learn something new, and immersing yourself voluntarily into it for some time, before you can master it.

Should you – notwithstanding what I wrote earlier about money – still feel that you would like it for free, that has been possible because I have been giving it all away openly for 3 years, to then phase into paid modestly, and then rise prices. You could’ve come forward when that was the case. Additionally, I still give it away in our Facebook group where there is the option for self study and a monthly Mini Program. Good to know! And to learn more about how to claim the money needed, I give regularly an educational money challenge on social media called Money Game, subscribe here:

I know it can seem a hard pill to swallow that you need to follow what someone else says, even if it is for the best of your journey and Union, but I have only ever seen that people that did not do what I suggested, veered off their direct path somehow and fell away from the journey. So: do what I say and arrive.

All-in-all this is how you get your success and quickly too: The truth is your Twin Flame is always right and your teacher too.