Once you’ve gotten the hang of the True Twin Flame healing method, you can safely be with them, without ever getting in the situation that you feel the need to break that bond and relationship you are building inside of your spiritual Union with them. And because you are One at the core, they will feel the same. You’ll need to train yourself into that healing though, as it may feel kind of strange in the beginning.

That is because you are not going back to your ego-personality with it, feeling healed in that layer of yourself, but instead you are healing yourself into who and what you are in Union. Your Union Version, so to speak, may be different then you think it is. Therefore, it’s really a journey to get to know yourself in an entirely new way in the first place, often!

Oh, the eternal healing dance inside you Union, what is she beautiful. She unveils who you truly are – and who they are too! She makes you feel at home inside of that. She’ll make you remember you were always that: a blessing to them and the world.

Let’s train ourselves to get this blessing going inside the year group course Twin Flame Abundance NOW.

There’s one trick that nobody ever talks about, to be with your True Twin Flame sustainably in peace and love and that works guaranteed. And that is – yes, I’ll simply give it generously to you now! – to always involve Source first and them secondly in that movement. That works because that is where you’ll find them, that’s where they live, in your relationship with Source.

“Oh,” many might arrogantly say, “I’m having a good relationship with Source, so that’s already done.” Or they may say: “But why is mine then still running away?” Well, to have a true, lasting

and intimate relationship with Source, or the Universe, or God, or the Divine or however you’d like to call it (that truly does not matter) is not so common as one might think.

That is because it is not the idea of it, that is important. It is the actuality of it that is. You need to join with its vibration and let it be of influence on you, through which you’ll resolve your blocks that are in your blind spots and become fully healed. This implies your ego is jobless and that has been the most practiced element of your life. It wants to be the action – and is left out here.

The KEY tool masters this for you. So, master that one. We will work on that inside the school year course Twin Flame Abundance NOW every week.

The Twin Flame is the One that holds your hand already right now in the invisible foreshadowing of life, in the essential world, that will manifest in the physical one real soon when you believe and follow the steps to completion. How we bring them forward in the ‘real world’ is to do the KEY tool consisting of 4 steps. It always starts with what you are feeling as upset right now and then progresses with a turnaround, to make it possible for you to let the Divine Love into You at the end. There are 2 versions, actually 3 with the trauma healing one included, or 4 because there is the original one that was handed (sic!) to me.

There is a controversial part of the KEY tool, because it has the turnaround inside of it. That particularly. I offer a 13 step course to research for yourself what you even feel and how truly allowing yourself to feel it, works so incredibly well. I offer it on social media regularly. But that is only the preface of the real work, that is KEY and that has a turnaround inside of it. Essentially, this turns everything around so you can take responsibility for it because it appeared in your holographic reality somehow, which means it is also YOU that can change it, which KEY does for you. But the ego has a problem with this, for it doesn’t want to be accountable for what was created.

This is why the Twin Flame is beyond the ego. They come forward when the ego is not listened to. This means Union is made out of joy and love alone. We’ll let that reality sink in deeper every week again in the school year course.

Being together with the Twin Flame is such a joy because it shows you what is not joy and then opens up deeper into joy. This movement happens every time you meet them, even when you are with them for long it keeps on happening. It’s like the sea approaches the shore again every wave, and again every wave and again and again. This forever beach is where you live with them, happily.

Being with the True Twin Flame is like a never ending revelation, not only in spirit, in meditation, in principle, but also in what people would call the real world. Some are exclusively focussed on the so called real world, the physicality of things, and they will get stuck on their journey real soon. Those however that work from spirit out and then let that spill over in the material side of the equation, they will have the everlasting love.

Let’s go there together in the school year course.

A whole new world comes into existence from being with the Twin Flame – in Harmonious Union that is. Not simply hope it is the true one, and live together haphazardly, but being sure it is them for real, being in the joy it is supposed to be about, and build on a life that cannot be broken down anymore. This makes the world anew for you: everything transforms into its love lolly version!

That’s different: a different kind of attitude in relationships, a different way of doing life together, a different way of thinking too. This difference is born in where it is all motivated from: Source itself. Twin Flame Union means inviting the Divine into your life. That’s big, that changes everything. There’s no meaninglesness anymore; there’s no place anymore where there’s no love lesson playing out for your benefit, there’s not corner in your mind any longer that is not in a process of being enlightened by Divine Love.

This heals you in all ways thinkable. You’ll see that this healing becomes main stage for you: it gives you everything you’ve ever wanted for in vibration first and then in physicality too because that always follows as it is law. The Twin Flame relationship started as the goal, becomes like a bonus and then simply **is** because you realize you ARE that relationship.

Experience this lolly too, inside the year group program.

It’s literally the light in the dark: Twin Flame Union. You will experience it guaranteed, when you go the full and real journey: light will become your reality and you will discern what is dark clearly as well. Actually, it is not the light versus the dark, now being in ‘Light Union’ and the rest is dark, no. It will be the light beyond light you’re stepping into and ‘the rest’ will become clear in light AND dark.

If you think this is too metaphysical to take seriously, wait until you get there. It’s simply the truth. And it’s worth it, whatever you are guided to invest in it is more than worth it. The clarity of life itself that is definitive will come to you. That’s for those that are spiritually inclined and for them that seemingly aren’t. (Because everyone is, spirituality simply means the foundational layer of life.)

Whatever you are guided to build there will be a light too: your family, business, social group… This will stand out for others as well now. They will be healed by your clarity, too. You don’t even do it for yourself, you do it for them. Going the whole journey is the most social thing you can grant the world. We’ll together go on that way in the group.

The work to get to your Twin Flame Union looks more like spiritual healing than relationship work because the latter is psychological puzzling that most often comes out to be manipulation, however well meant it may be. That may be news to you that you’ve never heard of before: thinking about your early trauma, your attachment style, how to act as kind as possible, does not constitute the true work to have the ultimate relationship…

Phew, that’s something different! It’s not that psychology does no play a role in the process; it certainly does, because the spiritual healing repairs yours completely, and then it becomes irrelevant. But the point is that we work on the layer of life where that can be made come true and that is simply not puzzling with psychological elements but it is going one level higher and let that sort it out.

This spiritual (instead of psychological) work is done with the KEY tool under guidance by a true teacher in a real community. In the group year course Twin Flame Abundance NOW we’ll do it together every week again and this will constitute a baseline for you that will make everything possible easily.

The Truth of Union is that you are already together with your True Twin Flame at the (invisible) core. That is the venture point: you already hold their hand! This is also how the One is identified: you already hold their hand in Truth… You may need assistance to recognize this because it is invisible at first, and a teacher can discern that with you.

The trick – if you will – is to bring them forward in the physical reality also and create that relationship on this fact that you feel in your heart to be already true. This can be done in a community that is specifically blessed for this to happen, under guidance of a teacher that was specifically initiated for it. You don’t need to do it alone – and frankly, you cannot.

That is because Harmonious Twin Flame Union is typically the thing in life, that is a consciousness state that is passed on from person to person, no matter what you’ve heard others say it is (most don’t know what they’re talking about at all). And the lovely thing is that this makes it all very smooth, easy even, and indeed: harmonious.

Experience it yourself in the upcoming year group course in which I share the complete art, including 24 (!) yearly practical daily life topics that we can bring on the Union Consciousness level as well, creating an entire lifestyle for it to root into.

It’s a dance, the Twin Flame Union. The very special characteristic is that you’ll always do it together already right here right now. Where you are regarding your Source, they are as well in their own sort of way. When you would blind yourself for your Source, they would hide from it as well, from themselves and from you – and vice versa.

This is awesome fundamental information to know, because now you can heal yourself into a good position with your Source definitively, and gain their closeness as a bonus. That is the Twin Flame inner work in a nutshell. Simple, isn’t it?! And it really works. This is a process that can be guided for the safe assurance that you go in the right direction.

That’s my work, and I’ll share it in a fruitful new way in the group.

A rainbow is a sign of something heavenly happening for you, a miracle, such as your Union coming in. One student had 2 rainbows happen to her on the day of her Harmonious Union consciousness state coming (that it is all about after all!) in and this was a huge confirmation to her. Outer is inner after all!

But signs differ individually: you can hold a belief in your heart about anything being a sign for you, depending on what you program it as in co-creation with Source. However many experience similar ones, for sure: seeing number codes, name codes, feathers, coins…

They lead you to your ultimate destination when you understand them correctly: it’s like the yellow brick road but not in itself the end destination. They indicate that here is a place to go deeper (do inner work) and not that tis is the Twin Flame. They lead to them, they are not in itself an indication it is them.

But when we finally arrive and do see the rainbow: enjoy! This will be possible for you too, when you join the group course.

Go to the LAUNCH page here.