Yes, it was actually one 8 more then previously announced and that is because it was August 8 2024 and the numbers of 2024 when added to one another also make 8. It’s a deeply abundant day (8 = abundance) indeed and the focal point of the Lions Gate, the astrological time in which the spiritual Truth of life is so much more accessible.

This day was the 88 Twin Flame Summer Ritual. So many old bagage being released from the heart. So much new light invited into the heart. For a truly abundant future for my friends and students.

We’ve been executing this portal for ten years now and the entire leading edge solution for Twin Flames and Mission Business was downloaded and activated through it. In the course of these years, successes were achieved by students with it.

Union all around.

Union with nature and the sun and stars on this day as well.

What a blessing!

I had done an oracle card reading with Divine Mother beforehand, to learn more about the contents we were transforming inside this portal. Here you can watch it in 1,5 hour:


Two days I took to execute this years 88 Twin Flame Ritual. The first day to prepare the water, crystals, food, materials, way of transport, also to add more oracle cards and go deeper with them, also to have a crystal grid set up with my crystal skulls and crystal dragons that prepared the space from spirit out.

Then the day to execute: go to the nature spot, start to lay out the bowls, place crystals in them and add water. All in an intuitive way. Then add intentions, words, prayers, smoke and wand gestures to name but a few things. Then meditate on what was opened up.

This is when I realized this year was about unlocking the heart to access the FRUIT of all the midsummer rituals done since 2015. This was the farthest we have gotten, and we were ever going deeper, and in that process reaching the fruits of this abundance creating process of the school that has been formatting through it all.

Here you see a video of my sermon in the middle of the ritual, when this had become clear, click for 3 min video:


This is a yearly time and place in which I feed myself to be able to start a new season of giving to you, as well, simply. So I went deeper and allowed myself to be fed through a trance like state and meditation. I felt the leaving of many old energies of the last couple of years, so I can fully let the fruit emerge.

You can be part of that fruit, starting to come closer than before, in the upcoming season. Starting to access your miracles more than before, through our co-creation. I’d love that for you! And it is totally possible.

I sat there for a couple of hours (in total 6 hours). I also picked fruit from the trees around the ritual space. I closed it all off, took everything home, did another 30 minute prayer there, cleaned up, ate a meal on my balcony satisfied and tired. I cooked tea from the fruits of the trees (berries) and included some of the ritual water.

Now we have arrived in the time of the aftermath. The heart is so preciously sensitive and unfolding. I’m going to let this all roll out further…

May your inner heart become unlocked this summer so that you can receive the true fruit that is Union.