My Twin Flame ran away.

You get to know this person a bit and it fills you with such an enormous heart level high, this feels like the ultimate romantic deal for you! But then, when you least expect it, they are suddenly nowhere to be seen anymore and you scratch your head trying to find out what happened and importantly, what to do about the situation and bring them back into your arms. This kind of scenario is what is heard a lot, and it certainly is possible that this is a Twin Flame connection, seen the heart connection, not seen the running away, because that is not essentially Twin Flame material but instead a reaction to the unhealed state in your heart, the heart of your Union, that you thus share when you are genuine Twin Flames of each other. This means you are part of that unhealed heart problem, and it is just as much you that is running away from being together sustainably, but possibly in a way that you don’t recognize, because it is not literal walking away or physically leaving the relationship, but it is something that is hard to discern because it is in your blind spot and because it is in a form you don’t recognize as running but it actually is.

Running away from your Union means you are inside of yourself really secretly afraid of the enormous intimacy and Divine love that it all unlocks. This starts to awaken the inner invisible blocks in you that are now becoming soaked loose and start to float around, blocking the embodiment of this Divine love into a sane and healthy behavior and communication, energetic presence, relationship participation. This is what the Twin Flame feels and is repelled by, whether you consciously see it or not. But they have their own thing as well, for sure; that may be a complementary block, that covers the same door to Union and forbids it from being used to unite, that sounds slightly different than yours, because it is from their perspective.  This is the only option for what is truly going on, I assure you, when it is your True Twin Flame, because they are your True Twin Flame. When they are not really in the end, it can be different, that’s for sure. This means you are truly empowered in your True Union, because you can work on your side of things and have that healing land in the space you ultimately share in the heart. This will eventually change everything for your Union. And when it is not your Twin Flame after all, you simply let them go and start doing the inner work to attract your True Twin Flame that is thus still out there for you, because you are human after all.

My Twin Flame blocked the communication channel.

A much heard scenario is when the person people believe is their Twin Flame cuts of the communication (channel), blocks them on social media or phone or both, that kind of thing. Because the Twin Flame inner work tool KEY in essence states that you need to turn everything that upsets you around, and heal it there, you can start to see that you blocked yourself in some way and start to heal it that way. It may seem like you didn’t do that at all, but you’ve gotta read this with some more space in and around it, and include your whole soul-and-energy-level life in this exercise: could it be that you somewhere somehow do block yourself, even if you need to not take it as literal and/or physical? For instance do you block your emotions from being expressed outwards, for yourself in the first place, do you block your tears to flow? Then unblock yourself there, by starting to be come aware of that you are doing this and confronting yourself with it in the first place. There could come up new information in this endeavor to turn it around, that you’d never realized before, and that change the entire setting of the space in which you became upset in the first place! Now, it seems to be handling about something completely different…

And that is how it goes indeed in well-executed Twin Flame inner work with the KEY tool: it starts to transform immediately while you go through the 4 steps, and real soon nothing looks like what you thought it was at first. You mind is directed at a different angle and you clean up with heartfelt love what you found there, so you can come out of this healing space with a much different outlook on yourself, your life, them, the world. They may have changed in that new situation, because when it is the True Twin Flame you are One at the core (this is the definition of Twin Flames!) and you have changed yourself at the core through love so the whole relationship must have shifted also. It may also be that you are not bothered by them blocking you on socials anymore now; instead you for instance see it as a good time for more inner healing that is granted you now, first, before you reconnect and you admit that this scenario shift is for the better for you and your Union indeed, you acknowledge the wisdom of your Twin Flame. Another option is that your interpretation of what happened has changed to such a degree that the problem disappeared, such as that you now recognize that the heart communication with them never ceased and that is your primary connection anyways. Or a combination of them all.

My Twin Flame has a romantic third party.

The mirroring factor between True Twin Flames makes it necessary to research if you also have a romantic third party: are you married, dating, flirting, by accident flirting because you are traumatized in a way that makes it so that you don’t have appropriate boundaries up? Are you involved with something as if you’re married to it, dating it, such as work, or feeling like a victim? When that is out of the way – and of course you take action on all these possibilities to undo them as a result – you may still find yourself in a situation with a Twin Flame that has a third party. What you then do is you start to do inner work on what upsets you about it until you don’t feel any upset feeling about it at all anymore. Maybe you feel like it is disrespectful to not be exclusively directed at you, or gross they are having sexual contact with someone else. You work on these issues with inner work until it is gone for you and you understand the over-all picture is an illusion.

You see, that is eventually the core of this situation: it’s not even true, it’s completely and utterly an illusion. They are not respecting this other person (more then they do you), instead they are finding out that they didn’t respect themselves enough yet to be able to ask life for something real and substantial to meet them romantically and this is their journey towards making that choice for themselves unequivocally. They are not really having sacred loving sexual relations with them, they are actually in some body action now and then that is unsatisfying to the soul and on their way towards deciding this makes no sense because relieving a bodily function is has nothing to do with the romantic relationship they actually crave. What is between the both of you can never be made undone by any third party, nobody can in Truth come between the two of you, no matter if they squeeze their body in between you on a two person bed. And eventually they will fall away for that very reason, when you keep on doing the inner work and allow yourself to claim them and express yourself within normal boundaries. They have their True Twin Flame too, and you can let them move towards their ultimate romance when it is time.

It all asks essentially: How do I have a relationship with my Twin Flame? The answer is: Reset.

Reset because it means you go back to your core, where your hearts are One and fully connected to your Source that is the Divine. This is where you are together and will never not be together. It is where you were created together from one ray of light, in spirit, and this is still the very Truth to this day, you can count on that because nothing changed in the original Creation of God. You still exist there, while you came to earth and got this meat suit while they got theirs. And the endeavor is to find that Source connection fully back WHILE being embodied, which then WILL attract back to you – as law! – the one you had been created together with on that level. They will be attracted to you no matter the seeming physical, material boundaries that would need to be crossed, as they are essentially attracted on the vibrational level, and vibration simply manifests itself in your reality as anything. Does it need an International convention to join people from multiple countries for you to be meeting, then that will be created in your life. Does it need an internet community to meet then that community will pop up on their screen and they will feel magically attracted to clicking and joining.

It doesn’t matter what it is, as it is in essence only two exactly matching vibrations naturally finding each other with ease in the invisible space through having purified your inner world with Twin Flame inner work. For sure, this could be called supernatural (instead) because it brings in the Divine and its invisible structures in the world. But since that is how reality functions in general, that is how Twin Flame simply move through the highway of the timeless and spaceless reality towards the place where they can manifest side by side and interact in the flesh (as well). Doesn’t matter how that eventually looks in the body and you’re not about that; that is up to God. There will ALWAYS be a way when the correct inner work has been done, in a fit community in the presence of a teacher that went before you – and not seldom the very place of meeting is actually INSIDE of the context of that teacher and community, because that is a good prepared spot to realize this Union at this time, because you will be able to make it a Harmonious one through that action and that means you’ll be able to make it sustainable!

Because Reset is such an important and profound topic, I called my entire blog like that: http://www.CreativeUniverse.EARTH/Reset

I also have a RESET healing meditation for you in the Starter Kit: http://www.CreativeUniverse.EARTH/StarterKit