Levels exist: a lot of self help is on the psychological level, but we are about the spiritual level. Not as in your gifts (psychic awareness etc.) but as your development into the true you in the spiritual sense, which is who and what you are in Twin Flame Union. I collected some examples to make this distinction clear:
1 Parent-child psychology gone wrong
Every time I see or hear on social media, searchers talk about their childhood and the trauma they are healing from then, then moving to forgiving their parents and trying to be so kind and loving to them, because it is so understandable and the parents did their best after all… I know they are not on the deeper spiritual level and stuck at the psychological in a not-working way. Because when you are in your true spiritual level, you’d know that you can break through the multigenerational patterns and do it fully, by individuating and holding people accountable after you’ve in this way first held yourself accountable. You can fully do that and step out of the abuse wheel. You know that you just did your inner work and you are simply an humble human being and therefore your parents also could’ve one this. It’s not special, you just did your inner work and the result is placing boundaries where co-adults are not according to normal psychological standards. Not being overly kind to reach out to those that did exactly what they did. This is how I know you haven’t come to the Union level yet.
2 Twin Flames with tarot cards and predictions
I know I also present cards and do predictions sometimes, but there is at least one (and potentially much more) clear difference: when it is about what the Divine Masculine is doing right now in the relationship behavior sense, it is the psychological layer and not the Union one. That is because it is actually primarily a consciousness journey, that is steered on the inner planes, so any reading should focus there to be a sign of that it could be about the Union level. Cards used or not, it is never a matter of manipulating with the psychological connection between people, making them do a bit more of this by executing this plan to do a lot more of that and so on. Instead, it is always about accusing yourself about what you are seeing in them and resolving stuff there on the inside, so the outside world will shift in that new, healed version. We don’t know how exactly your Twin Flame will behave but it will be coning from a consciousness closer aligned with GOLD Consciousness or Perfect Union.
3 Your gender outside of your Unions Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine gender
This can be a sensitive topic, but it doesn’t need to be, because first of all everyone is a Twin Flame, it is about being human after all, and secondly, the specific role you uniquely have, Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine, in the Union, complementing theirs, is fixed there for you to come home to in that spirit level, while you can on top of that on the psychological and physical level, be a slowly evolving form that fits what you currently feel is fitting you, in gender, expression, sexuality, communication and the names for it. This doesn’t make the deeper truth on the Union level change though. Enjoy both layers in One, that is what Twin Flames are about: being free on the surface and the depth at the same time and feeling where you are in that, then living it.
4 You’re such a Pleiadian, instead of knowing your soul has a vibration
When people think they really identify with being from a planet instead of understanding they have a soul vibration that resonates with a certain one that sometimes can be said to be thus a planet where that soul feels at home thus came from while being at home on earth now because that’s where they have a body now, I know they are stuck at the first level. When you truly go to Union level, you accept every color, characteristic and so on of your soul, but you understand you in essence, in Union are only that: a child of the Union with the Divine, and you know that you are born on earth for a reason so you’ll accept that, otherwise you can’t live your Twin Falme Union on earth in the physical and can’t do your Mission. Your Union does not need all kinds of weird identifications to become true; you just need the Truth to be true and the rest in an extra as a taste or color so to speak of the inner experience.
5 Not knowing what Union is
Being solely on the psychology level, people may believe that it is all about Union and that that means you are living in a relationship together in one house and so on. While on the spiritual level you know (and live) that what the real thing to covet is, is the consciousness state of Harmonious Union, from which your physical Union, including relationship, living together and so on (exactly what you uniquely feel right about!) is being born and build. It is the only way your Union will be guaranteed with the True Twin Flame, opens the door to your actual Soul Abundance that wants to come to you, is lived in the joy it is truly supposed to be about and is sustainable throughout eternity. So, will you live with them in a manifested romantic relationship? Yes, but the foundation is the right one now; the psychological level and results are included here.
6 Abundance: money errors
Money on the journey is often deemed to be treated in the old ego driven societal way: abundance seems to mean I make money at any cost right now instead of I tap into my full being and although I first need to invest heavily so that I even could go through a valley, I will eventually create something sustainable on the Union level. Money is natural on the Union journey, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that there needs to be a transformation of this life topic into its Divine variant. This will open up the Divine Money Path for you, on which gradually over time your money life is connected on the inside with your Twin Flame Union and Mission. That is then also the eternal energy feed, so guess what this flow will do: keep on coming.
7 Supporting each other?
Sounds like an ideal situation perhaps: supporting each other. That can be very social and psychologically sane. But it can also be very much a sign of not yet fully seeing that first, one best supports Divine Creation Order until it transforms the mind and then that can take care of the social situations in the very best way that again supports the Divine where Union is being made and maintained. That second idea is what befits the spiritual level of life in which you arrive at your Twin Flame Union and keep it throughout time. There, you don’t expect others to go directly back to you but see it as something that is first relating to the Divine and you will see what the real value is that is shared with you – might be ginormous without ever coming back to you, you can’t judge, this is Gods terrain now, on the spiritual Union level
8 Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy
You may believe that everyone has Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy in them and on the body-and-energy level this is true (also the psychological level!); in the Creative ID 9-point energy method there is an anchor point for both in the Divine Masculine Twin Flame and the Divine Feminine Twin Flame. But on the Union in other words the spiritual level, you are only completely one of them ever. These layers are meant to be like that and co-create with one another as the bigger matryoshka and the smaller one inside of her, provided that the outside shell of the inner puppet actually is broader and holds two equal inner wooden dolls.
9 KEY instead of LOA
The idea that you attract what you are is called law of attraction (loa) and seems to make sense when you would like to have more money in your bank account or your Ultimate Lover near you continually. You make sure you are feeling rich, in the case of money, or that you are feeling like your own ultimate lover in the case of the Twin Flame. But there might be many impurities in your energy field however, and on top of that you might be unaware of them because that’s how it often goes, it’s unconscious, as a result of you function from your ego out you can’t see it. With an impure field you might stil attract at least some money, sure, but in the Twin Flame case you’ll certainly attract your false Twin Flame or your True Twin Flame in a condition you’d find it very unattractive to be in a relationship with them (and or vice versa)! This is why the actual spiritual Union tool for manifesting your desires in the KEY exercise instead, because it makes you transform those impurities.
10 Spiritual health?
Sometimes I even give food advice and that is not about the level of trying to be something you’re not, criticizing you, in any sort of way; instead it is about finding the spiritual harmony inside of you by taking away the obstacles that stand in the way for it and giving you suggestions coming from Divine Mother. Just like it’s not about relationships in itself in that you will push forward or take away communication and connection, or manipulate the situation in another way, it’s about a Sacred Union on the spiritual level instead, inside of which grows an indeed actual psychological relationship on the ground of that and not of ‘relationship chess’. It is also not about your body’s form in itself but about how it vibrates with true health and how that can transform your body to take shape in a free way that will manifest your Divine Form as well. It is beautiful that this deeper level also has health, form and expression, because that is how you become visible and recognizable for your Ultimate Lover in a shining way.
11 The Divine Turnaround
In the real Twin Flame inner work, there is a turnaround you need to take into account: from emotions into the deeper feelings of the inner heart that are actually qualities you own as a soul; from accusing the world and the other including the Twin Flame of something that feels upsetting to you to accusing yourself and healing what is going on right inside of yourself. Divine Mothers turnaround can only make sense when you see these layers, as the turnaround will make you land in the deeper layer and that is the reason it is suggested n the first place. They don’t make sense probably for the rational mind, it is an experiential fact that you will get to feel on the journey; eventually you’ll only live the second layer and that then includes the first. Because we often still in many life topics live only in the first, psychological layer, we don’t perceive our own best interests, taken into account that we actually desire to live in Union. That is because often with a first layer that so called goes wrong you’re quicker to arrive in the second one and fully healed as well.
Feeling your feelings is layer 1: https://www.creativeuniverse.earth/13StepsTowardsCompleteValidation
Turning your feelings around with the KEY tool means you arrive in layer 2: https://www.creativeuniverse.earth/Going-Deeper-Is-Possible-In-4-Easy-Steps
Where I come from when I write these eleven points is not trying to reach the second level, but instead having it fully installed and from that place acknowledging the way to get there. From experience I know that much of the journey is moving from level one to two, that actually includes level one! And my material is made to help you do so. It is so different, that I lost most everyone that belonged to my first level over the years by now and that I have started over the community Facebook group entirely after a couple of years as well because it became so different however also still the same in some way (it includes the first layer).
It is all about physical and energetic reality in the first layer and that is always better to confront with its reality instead of fairytales about that uncle Johns attention was normal while he was overbearingly involved with a child that he had no business being intimate with in an inappropriate way (as an example, people believe in many illusions), but the actual focus for Twin Flames in Harmonious Union is to include that in the wider reality of the fact you are actually in the supernatural reality of living on Heaven on earth in Harmonious Union. So, what’s reality? It includes acknowledging what is not aligned and then you recognize you are actually the King and Queen of your Union instead of that physical-energetic down to earth realization, you turn that reality around and find the actual deeper truth of your identity: your Divine ID.
This may all sound pretty arrogant but trust me you can only get there through humility instead.
The point is that when you do work on the first, ‘lower’ level and you’re very pleased with it, then I am happy for you, and it indeed may have done something for you in that level, but when you’d come into contact with the second layer then it is very well possible you’d have to do that piece over but now on that level, in which something else is going to be healed then you’d ever have expected. It is perhaps the same piece, but a different kind of healing that also makes it complete so it can fall away and that is eventually to such a degree that it is as if it had never been there – because it never had been.
It is very well possible, that you’re wasting your energy on first level healing while you’d need to do all of it over when you are on the true Twin Flame journey to Harmonious Union. It’s okay to do it over, or rather: go over these disharmonious places inside of yourself, don’t get me wrong, I’m just saying that this is what would happen so you can choose to start doing that second layer work right now, instead, to spare yourself time, energy, money, effort and so on. It’s a timesaver and less expensive too, and who doesn’t want their Twin Flame Union the quickest possible costing the least – most think they need their Union rather yesterday than today and don’t want to spend a lot on it so here you go, I solved your problems…
The outer ridge of the diagram is the physical world but the true life is at the centre and then to be fanned out into the physical world around you. At first, there is thus a difference between the outside rim and the core that needs to be worked through inside of you, to be able to go to the actually meant deeper layer of life. Then that core needs to become expressed. I’ve talked a lot about the first movement: bridging the gap towards the inside core; the second phase actually needs less attention as it is from having arrived, a natural process. But also because this comes first and you’ll need your attention there first, you don’t need to know yet the second phase, that’ll be revealed to you when you have completed the first one.
You bridge that gap by bringing the sword and bowl together in many instances of life that are upsetting and therefore ask for an answer from the deeper level, the spiritual level, the second phase. What is the sharp situation plus your feelings about it? Understand you do it yourself, as it is your own swords that is pointing inwards to yourself. Now let it touch the deeper bowl of your Being truly, by letting an answer arise from Heaven on earth where they can meet in the light beyond light and dark. You connected your inner self now, you ended separation consciousness.
Oh, I found one more. It is the idea that – especially during recent covid times – people feel they are awakened (or woke?) when they see through the worldwide collaborations of change unwanted by them because they represent a “satanistic” (Saturn death cult, read also: https://www.creativeuniverse.earth/remember-your-magic-from-before-time-in-2020/) stance that wants global control (possibly this is called woke instead). This awakening is certainly a much broader, more inclusive way of seeing what is going on, but it still represents level one. We live in a time in which they are ending their crazy endeavor, as the reign of Twin Flame Union will take over, but still this understanding is not yet level two. For safe and assured Twin Flame development you do need level two – that easily also could’ve been called level one in this blog because this is where everything truly starts and originates from: Source.
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