When you don’t know this, you can never come in Union with the True Twin Flame & The Deeper Truth of Life.

1 Knowing what the Twin Flame Union even is, is important. – How else would you be able to make come true this dream of the ultimate partner in all ways? The whole point is, that it is not the individual good feeling soul deepening point of the personal development, where the connection point is, but the deeper beyond point is where they are. It is in the connection with your Source that the Twin Flame blueprint is found. People think they have a connection with their soul, but that’s not necessarily the Twin Flame aspect that is in a sense -one could say – deeper, is what is meant here. Many people feel that doing astrology is a soul thing, mindfulness as meditation is their connection to soul et cetera, but that doesn’t in itself bring you the Twin Flame. It is really in your Divine blueprint that it is laid down, and it is very normal that this is not really visible yet for you, or inner-visible yet, and it is therefore logic to co-create with a teacher.

2 The necessary Twin Flame skill set – If you don’t have this toolbox then you will never get to keep your Union. The Twin Flame relationship is not a matter of relationship skills in itself, it is about vibing with the deeper you that is the one as mentioned in point 1, and the skills needed are about maintaining that. When you’d get to the state of consciousness of Harmonious Twin Flame Union, that anchors you into the correct layer of your inner life, you better be prepared with the tools and trained to do them all the time, particularly when deeply upsetting things come up, which is what you can expect there – but it is being prepared and trained that makes it all go smooth and leading you to a greater depth of love then you’d ever thought you’d go.

3 Your relationship with your Twin Flame teacher is the guidance you need beforehand and during Harmonious Union. – It is the relationship that provides you the connection with Divine Mother that has the depth of Twin Flame Union, not that you couldn’t possibly have that yourself, but it is the place where everything will be worked out in the relationship that Divine Mother can be for you; it is Her address and the fact you can make use of that to work stuff out is valid, immensely valuable and necessary to keep what you got in your Harmonious Union. You can work things out with your Twin Flame there, in harmony when you take point 2 into account, but also with your teacher, and actually over-achingly with your teacher, because they will have an overview of the entire dynamic between the Twin Flames.

4 Twin Flame Tantra – Moving in the direction of the Twin Flame is the traditional spiritual journey but then updated with the latest software so to speak (which I provide here). Doing so always makes sense, even when you are not particularly into a new relationship (!), because it will lead you to become more happy, joyful and find the timeless pleasure of the soul. It resolves your deeper blocks to manifesting your hearts desires. You also eventually honor the Divine architecture of life to completion because the Twin Flame will come guaranteed when you follow this path correctly (!) and you will live with them in all ways as couple and thus Divine Marriage on the physical plane. Reaching the bloom of all of that is the celebration of Twin Flame Tantra. This implies you are never a victim of the Twin Flame Union process as it’s not like “I am waiting as a victim until that happens”, but instead you are an active participant in that process by doing the inner work and Divine timing is when that has been done to completion. You are for sure not a victim of the Divine Masculine “that is too slow”, because this tantra is NEVER unequal within the full consciousness, it just means there is inner work to do – yes, by you…

5 Union Consciousness is Super-Twin-Flame-Needed and it is a trance. – But that does not mean that there is something wrong, spooky or culty with it, because you are right now in a certain, possibly societal, trance too; this will be the natural, healed, Divine trance though as a replacement of the old one, and when you feel that implies that you need to heal your energy and mind that is correct – but that is not an insult at your address, it simply is an opportunity you can take or not. If you really want the True Twin Flame that is the opening to making come true your hearts desires (and nothing else really is in the same way!), then you take that opportunity to start the healing, the inner work, the going deeper, the resolving of the blocks or however you’d like to call it yourself.

6 Twin Flame Marketing – Often when there is Twin Flame Marketing in your sight, online or offline, this is not the real deal, but that is a hard thing to tell you, because then what is this right here, you could quickly ask. Yet I need to say this to tell you the truth. The correct Twin Flame inner work does not even come from the right tool, it comes from the inner alignment of the teacher. Only going to the correct teacher will support you correctly and will make things come true for you. There is loads of deception going on in this topic because it is seemingly invisible and anyone with a camera can make a social media video these days and look legit. Anyone can steal a spiritually sounding tool and promote it on a website or on YouTube. That doesn’t mean they know what they are truly talking about, also because this knowing that is the correct one is in fact a deep resonance that was exchanged with the Universe itself as an initiation, not a marketing slogan that one can repeat until the belief in it is grown enough. It’s not empty, it is being congruent until the depth of the Divine.

7 Emerald City is the Divine Land that will be created through developments as discussed. – It’s a space that is here to hold your experiences in your consciousness of what you could call heaven. It is the Twin Flame that is a firm entrance to it, for it per definition reaches into the Divine, as that is where you are One. You will however only be able to really experience this when you are in the consciousness state of Harmonious Union, not when it is your Twin Flame but you’re not tuned in and not when it is anyone (not your True Twin Flame) and you feel very much leaning into the Divine. Emerald City is the name I gave to the space we share, where we meet, in social media events, online courses, our relationship in 1on1 meetings and so on. It is pregnant with the potency of Divine Mother and is here where we can co-create your Harmonious Union. The atmosphere is full with true value here and that makes it stand out as a relationship that is not like any other, for this deep resonance will not be found in other places and it is is elementary for your Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Emerald City is the secret or spiritual name of Creative City, the online place where the social media events take place: http://www.facebook.com/CreatieveStad. You taking part in it, makes the world of difference when you want to make the Twin Flame as entrance into your ultimate life com true.

8 State of the Universe right now concerning Twin Flames – The leading edge of the Divine is with the Divine Marriage indeed and the spiritual fight to make that primal reality in a world defending its mental sickness is widespread and the norm. We live in a time in which the longstanding idea of living through the ego is coming to an end and this is why we see lots of visible and hidden fights and even wars going on that end the cult of it. Sometimes this indeed takes extreme forms such as with the Saturn Death Cult or however you want to call them (see my article http://tinyurl.com/SaturnDeathCult), and always it is about making a new choice inside of yourself to not follow the ego. Living beyond the ego, having that as your home, is what brings forward the Twin Flame blueprint but you also have to actively choose it and follow the steps, come in relationship with a community and teacher that already have it, and commit to keeping on doing the Twin Flame inner work. It WILL pay off though, no worries. It really does.

9 Divine Feminine taking over – She takes her lead by surrendering to the Divine Masculine and that in a sense crushes the feminist agenda. It may sound very contradictory to what society currently seems to teach. I have studied that agenda and the history of it at scientific level, becoming a Master of Arts in 2006, so I know what it is about. This phenomenon, of the Divine Feminine surrendering to the Divine Masculine as the actual spiritually sound, ‘new’ movement that is necessary, is the most important to understand as women on the sacred love path at this time even though it can sound contrary to feminism. But in another way this does NOT crush the feminist agenda when you look at the fact that it is talking about another LEVEL of life that is addressed by that. The Twin Flame plays on a deeper reality level which means more fundamental. This point is phrased from the Divine Feminine standpoint and when looked closer at what this means for the Union, you see that that it functions the same from the Divine Masculine viewpoint: he takes over his lead by surrendering to the Divine Feminine! Don’t you ever think it is one sided. No, this is actually the only valid antidote for one sided love relationships, which is all other relationships, because even when you would reach in these relationships the spiritual life layer yourself, as the one party in the relationship that you are, that will mean not much in relationship to the other because they are not necessarily be affected by that at all and thus the True Love is not shared or communicated (as it will not arrive even when you send it). It is only with the True Twin Flame that you factually share your deeper, spiritual core. This is even the case when you’d have a very nice rapport with the non-Twin Flame relationship, in the old relationship sense, such as in daily life action or as sexual lovers; you still don’t share that innermost sacred core and things stay one sided on the fundamental level. You deserve more; you deserve the full love of a Divine Marriage because you are already in Truth married to them! By soulfully manifesting that, you can make that come true in the flesh. This is the true art of manifestation, for how it is meant by the Divine.

10 Eventually everything in your life will be taken over by the Harmonious Union progression, seriously. – Your health, your food, your sexuality, your work, your mission, your living situation, your money life, your family life, your relationships, your meditation life, everything. There will be no place in life that won’t be affected by the Twin Flame Union manifestation process; you’ll have to surrender every part of your life even when you don’t like that (well, then you throw a wrench in your Union progress and separation comes in again in some sort of way guaranteed). This is a path for people that desire to transform themselves and change everything continually about their lives. And everything I say is for your benefit in this, all my services as well, all my video’s and book and courses et cetera. When you’d want to pick and choose from what I bring to the table, you are also demonstrating separation consciousness and that influences your Union progress negatively indeed. There may come into being a sense of that there is relatively speaking a new island that is being formed that is the new earth, where the heaven has downloaded itself, and you may find that very many things and relationships that you felt beforehand that worked for you, don’t anymore. There may be a process of these things falling away from you. This is normal. Everything you need eventually takes place in the relationship with the Divine, your Twin Flame, your community, your teacher. You can share your abundance you have in it with the wider world and this will be your Twin Flame Mission. There is no isolation in that sense, there is simply a standing on the soul empowered place that is Union.

11:11 The Third Option. – Twin Flame Energy, the core energy of the Union, is tangible for everyone in a subtle way and everyone feels that even when they act as if they don’t because your nervous system picks it up unconsciously any way. The thing is that it is beyond good or bad, it is not only here when they have great joyous times but it is also there when Twin Flames are fighting! It is the third option as it were, alive and manifested. This is also why I invented the saying: Sex God Money, as if it is a triangle with a baseline of Sex (the physical coming together of Twin Flames) and Money (the symbol for the energy that flow through them), with hovering above them and encompassing them, God, the Divine (the relationship that makes both anchored in the Divine). The third option is not a metaphor or symbol only as it is reality. Living Harmonious Twin Flame Union is the Divine third option alive, since it is always beyond good and bad, dark and light. And it is always taking place in the Divine threesome of Sex God Money. It is always tangible by everyone, although many may be numbed out to actually recognizing it. It is physical and spiritual at the very same time. That is the nature of Twin Flame Love.