How to let Twin Flame Union touch your every life aspect to turn to Happiness


It’s not difficult to do the Twin Flame journey. Here are the essentials:

  1. Claim your Twin Flame as soulfully yours and allow yourself to express that appropriately and express anything that you feel is of importance.
  2. Always take everything that your Twin Flame does and says that upsets you as something that you repair inside of yourself with the #KEY tool.
  3. Commit to the practice of 1 and 2 forever after and over and over if need be; accept coaching and guidance on it.
  4. Do it as a primary life necessity not as a luxury that you’ll only do when you’ve got energy, time and money left after having spend it on other things.

This is not exhausting at all, because it will always bring you inside the Divine Love this relationship within the spiritual Union is all about and that always energizes you: it gives you everything that is your first life priority. You’ll find the rooting of this existence within Divine Love in the moment you’ll enter the consciousness state of Harmonious Twin Flame Union: now you’re being led from the inside more stabily.

Inside of this practice then will start to develop a relationship between the both of you according to psychological sanity. You may travel through some deep trauma healing episodes first, before it really arrives at more of what you’d expect from the concept of Heaven on earth, but you’ll understand that it was loving all along because it is lead through Divine Love and that is able to be felt during the entire journey as the backbone of everything.

During the 88 Twin Flame Ritual it became clear that this unlocks the inner heart and when that is being accomplished, the fruit of the heart can start to ripen, come forward and feed all aspects of you. This is also how your other life areas become involved: your body, your food, your business building, your sexuality and so on. Pay attention to the order; otherwise you’ll see yourself doing everything over after these core developments (which doesn’t need to be bad, just an observation).

It’s not difficult in itself, it is our blocks, blind spots and ego that seem to make it so. It’s a huge gift to yourself and the world if you choose to do so. It brings true happiness.


There is an energy system within the Creative ID method that is behind and supports you through these steps and it also creates a strategy to move you forward into expression after having taken into account the fact that you’ll want to make a full connection with Divine Twin Flame Love in that first.

This is that 9 point energy system in short:

1 Symbol: BOWL – Space below the pelvic floor and/or feet, Earth connection.

Stands for, among others: your roots, reset yourself to revitalize, recalibrate your energy to the factual truth and to your birthright abundance.

2 Symbol: EYE – Pelvic floor, main opening below, legs and feet.

Stands for, among others: destroy what is no longer needed, the fertile dark night and the vast space of the universe in which light appears, the place where your personal ground meets the universal baseline, seeing the key to creation appear that exists for you in a meditational approach, resetting your personal experience to one where you naturally fall into place where all illusion falls away.

3 Symbol: MOON to the right – Middle pelvis height at the tail bone, main opening backside.

Stands for, among others: the energy of Selenitus which is the moon of your consciousness that reflects so perfectly how much light your receive and on what places, which is within your individual energy system the internal divine feminine, it represents where you come home in your uniqueness, and exudes your specific kind of energy that can be sealed for specific focusses into heart seals, and is the place from which one works with this energy points approach.

4 Symbol: INFINITY WATER – Between heart and navel, main opening front, whole belly area

Stands for, among others: social love, seeing in everything the silver lining, acknowledgement of self and others for what they are by naming their illusions and expanding that to acknowledge the love, it means to have compassion, and it falls together with understanding the full process-and-procedure-approach of the creative flow that life really is, and comprises desire techniques that attract your good.

5 Symbol: HEART Vesica Piscis & Mandorla – Heart, chest, opening to the front and the back, hands.

Stands for, among others: the experiential Heart space, the central space of Being, where your core intentions are experienced, anchored, supported and shared, your core love identity is located here as the attunement of your Creative ID, this is where heart magic spontaneously happens and where deep insight is received into your deepest desires and motivations.

6 Symbol: CIRCLE IN TRIANGLE – The throat, main energy field in the front chest, throat, face.

Stands for, among others: sustaining the communication that comes natural in relationships, the pure white background of the energy of communication done from integrity, building structures that are supportive of source creativity, communication in all forms, coaching with the understanding of creative processes and holistic entrepreneurship.

7 Symbol: MOON to the left – Middle of the head above the eyebrow, main opening backside.

Stands for, among others: the energy of Hyenithus which is the Sun of your consciousness that exudes so perfectly the light of your soul that is connected back to source, which is within your individual energy system the internal divine masculine, this the place where creative leadership is born, which is a way of co-creational, participatory leading that understands the laws of creation.

8 Symbol: BURNING EGG – Top of the skull, main opening above.

Stands for, among others: the place where the sparks of valuable ideas are born, the glowing golden light of source that is ever inspirational, the place where through a conversational and story approach truth can be found, where the true story of creation starts.

9 Symbol: SWORD – The space above the skull, source connection.

Stands for, among others: the connection to heaven, the place where healing light codes reside, which one will be able to heal with a light surgery approach.

What you do in these energy points is feel how relaxed and therefore open and filled with value you exactly are there; an inquisitive attitude that makes that place more open already by that very act. Physical deep relaxation, nervous system relaxation, comes together with emotional relaxation and having residues removed. Where you are not physically-energetically accessible, warm, relaxed, you are not integral in the Twin Flame ascended level, and that is what you’ll need to work out in a way that is lasting.

This is something completely different even opposite of denying and suppressing with logic straight talk and boastful “I’m normal” attitudes, of the mainstream cultural expressions of people. When you have genuinely worked yourself down to true inner relaxation and peace, you can see that these people are positively drunk with stifled emotions while their mouth tries to prove how rational they are.

But that also doesn’t matter because you can only take responsibility for your state of energy, so to speak. So you focus there and when you put them and work them in the order of 128493756, you get a spiritual strategy that will catapult you into everything Union level. You go first; others can only follow when you first do the work on you and go in all the way.

It was Divine Mother that gave me the parameters for this energy system, just like she gave me the initial ideas that later became written down as the KEY exercise. In another way, this energy system is Divine Mother herself, as she ** is ** the universal energy system in the macro (universe) and micro (human being) sense.

Divine Mother is accessible in western culture as Mother Mary and Isis can be regarded as the historically and spiritually deeper version of Mary. Both are Divine Mother emanations standing for the energy field of God in the Universe and in your YOUniverse in your energy body, that I made accessible through the Creative ID Method, which in the end stands for your Divine Identity.

I already explained extensively in our books written in my 19th century life how all religions are based on the same foundational patterns, that describe and make accessible the human souls architecture in the spiritual world. That is still applicable and now becomes updated and more focussed with inclusion of the reality of Twin Flame Unions (instead of physically individual people) that are the actual higher level beings that should be seen as the building blocks of life.


Being supported by the right energy presence and system to make that accessible, while doing the mentioned 4 steps to do the Twin Flame journey, leads to an experience of self parenting. Lovingly taking your inner child in your arms is exactly the compassionate movement you’d do there, during the journey steps. And the parent that stands behind you in executing that is Divine Mother herself: your ultimate mother.

Self Parenting according to Divine Mother is soothing the child so that you can make space for the inner growth necessary to become emotionally aware, spiritually rich and able to be in relationship with all your heart and being that then extends outwards appropriately. Divine Mother crushes your ego according to tradition, so in this way you create a maturity that is devoid of ego and geared towards your Divine ID.

During some times of this transformation of maturing spiritually-emotionally, she will steer you through a bout of trance: a thickening of consciousness and a lessening of the grip of time and space in which your capacity for lasting change is heightened dramatically. Personally, I go into trance at the command of Divine Mother and this is used in many healing endeavors benefitting friends and students around me, and in this way it also serves to permanently change others through the teacher.

Because yes, I was asked to do her work, which came to me in a way that for years at first meant I was sitting in her presence doing nothing at all, trying to feel my feelings but failing! Eventually she lead me through everything, showed me all there was to know and wished me forward to share of it. I surrendered and went completely crazy so to speak, only to be delivered in the one and only sobered up space of the Heart, HER Heart.

Through me, you can now become part of her teachings as well. And because it was her that brought me the Twin Flame teaching that is the leading edge of Creation and brought me through it so it became true, you will make that come true for yourself as well. This is the answer that you have been looking for.

Through the crushing of the ego, the true working of the Universe and your personal universe your energy field as the augmentation factory, becomes discernible: true magic (augmentation) that is the true law of attraction as well.

The world famous apocalyptical revelation time is now and it means that everything will become revealed to you, the working of the Universe, and your role in it. And this will happen to you as well when you keep on doing the KEY tool and the rest of our work, come in Harmonious Union and stick with it moving forward.

Because this process still is self parenting under the sacred cloak of Divine Mother, you will get to feel and see everything the child is feeling, is bothered by and has been traumatized with, however subtle or strange it may seem at first. Trauma means a fossilized maladaptive pattern in you that does not easily move when you do the KEY tool. It has often been coming into being through the erroneous relationship with a caregiver or parent.

Many traumatic pieces of your consciousness may be nonverbal and that is why you can’t seem to be able to access it and you can remain in disbelief that you even have it. This also means it has come into existence in a time in our life when we were (mostly) preverbal, in other words when we are very young infants of around 1,5 years old or under.

Unfortunately it is not the case that we only need to address that which bothers us in life, as Union takes place on the bottom of the unconscious, where it is anchored in the sobered up light of the Divine and everything will be upheaved in the process of it. I remember a psychologist talking about when you don’t feel like it bothers you now it’s fine and you can live on. That’s not true for the Twin Flame reality.

When you don’t move through trauma healing on the spirit level, the Union level, you will over time fizzle out of your state of consciousness of Harmonious Union and lose it all because it can’t be sustained in the presence of it. This actually means you have a fertile opportunity to resolve your trauma inside Harmonious Union that exists nowhere else and you can make use of that to your all-round own fulfilling soul healing benefit.


Personally, Divine Mother guided me through a thick forest of trauma caused by narcissistic abuse in my childhood, under which umbrella also was included sexual abuse. And because narcissism gaines in so called popularity online as a phenomenon, and also our societies show a huge amount of narcissism that is noticed by more and more people, I will zoom into this traumatizing mental abuse that is at the same time induced by trauma, for a moment.

I know there are so many more mental health topics of pressing nature, that are also being discussed a lot, such as autism spectrum, hypersensitivity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, being an empath and other phenomena, said without discussing them further or even wanting to acknowledge their existence per se, just as topics I know people talk about. But we’ll nevertheless now keep it at the insidious narcissism that is a multigenerational curse all in itself.

It comes into existence when the healthy psychological separation of an infant from their mother with whom they had been a unity before and from birth on, around age 1,5 to 3 years old, does not happen the right way or at all. Everyone needs to go through (and remain having) a healthy narcissistic stage in which one focusses utterly and completely on oneself and is allowed to, so the next stage can be reached which is a new found interest in the other, from an autonomous, psychologically healthy separated and autonomous state of being, meeting each other in the middle: relationship is born.

When this stage has been prevented by a parent or primary caregiver, the needed separating stage of finding autonomy and then relationship, cannot take place and one stays within an enmeshed psyche that is dependent on the others existence for acknowledgement in an existential way. This prevents one from relating to oneself directly, finding the Divine within and relate with others through the Divine, which is what happens in a spiritual development in life, that comes on top of the psychological development even.

This is roughly (and said very short), what happens in the passing on of narcissism, that often remains intact in the next generation because the enmeshed person that was raised like that, does as a result not know it is necessary to let their child separate from them and everything repeats itself. For sure, sometimes what we call a narcissist is formed, and sometimes an empath, that is to say: sometimes a taker is formed and someones the one that is letting themselves pathologically being taken from, but both are in a sense upside down versions of each other, both formed by a developmental deficiency that has truly gone too far.

It is currently assumed among psychiatrists that there is a formative and a biological part in the formation of this kind of psychology and both need to be present for a ‘true’ narcissist (someone that can be clinically diagnosed to be one, as opposed to someone that has a certain tendency), which underlines once more the multigenerational nature of it. All ways to recognize this phenomenon are in effect derived from the central principle, that a parent or caregiver does not allow the child to separate.

This is done because the child is used to mirror back the caregiver, because they are pathologically insecure of their identity, which also goes into the territory of usurping the child’s identity features for themselves, stealing their attention for their skills or contribution, breaking their boundaries of their bodily, physical, sexual and mental safety far beyond the necessity of keeping someone basically safe and doing it for their own satisfaction, negating the existence of the child as an autonomous being with its own needs, wants, preferences, feelings, thoughts, space and boundaries.

The idea is that this is all done in a way that is designed to at the same time keep this very fact hidden, behind a mask of decency, kindness and other more socially acceptable ideas. It goes together with dishonesty, manipulation, stealing, hiding, denial, gaslighting and more. When we speak of true narcissism this is such a thick defense mechanism that it is impenetrable by reason, love, relationship or even therapy. It forms altogether a world in which everything is upside down from what most would agree are pretty basic interpersonal values in life such as honesty, sharing and respect for the autonomy of a person.

It is not remedied by changing ones behavior, as that merely creates a new mask on top of the dysfunction that is thoroughly intertwined with ones unconscious mind that is in the interpersonal sense always abuse. This is how new generations always try to produce a change, by trying to behave differently, inspired by societal and personal preferences. But this does not rule out the deep seated dysfunction, as it only goes skin-deep so to speak. This is often how the narcissistic wounds have been incurred in the first place: by people that wanted to do it differently than their parents, better, more kind – meanwhile executing the exact same underlying pattern unconsciously.

Hypocrisy is thus in all ways native to the narcissist. Also, the kind behavior episodes that are often also present, are part of the over-all narcissistic psychology and are thus not real in the sane sense; they are there to make the abuse palatable enough for you so you don’t run away too far and remain under their control so they can still use you to fuel their sense of self. It’s truly vampiristic for sure. It smacks of a spiritual phenomenon of not knowing that ones Source is in oneself, not knowing Love, and as a result being utterly empty.

You can substitute the parent and the child for all kinds of relationships, such as the individual and the state, the lover and their partner and so on, and see if the general features are still there. Because one has learned how to relate in ones childhood in relationship with ones caregivers or parents – which is what the scientific field of developmental psychology explains -, one has basically also been groomed to be taken advantage of in similar situations as a grown up, which almost always happens (multiple times) at the detriment of the victim, before the existence of this almost inhuman phenomenon has been correctly uncovered and understood.

By people that don’t know about its existence, this seems often all not very believable, that it even exists, which causes an extra layer of social and societal problems victims face, as the disbelief – often in combination with the denial of the perpetrators – in itself is a traumatizing factor. For healing, the traumatized fossilized patterns need to become thawed out, psychological individuation needs to happen in the grown up that still has the child’s experience inside of themselves and the developmental steps towards relating need to be made.

Because the healing requires a safe space to make these movements in ones psyche, a now safe parental figure needs to be installed. Often it is not entirely sufficient to have that be only oneself, and a teacher can help, above which Divine Mother Herself needs to come in to add that supernatural beneficent power that wipes the imprint of the curse this truly has been for generations, so that new generations are freed up through you. Anchoring yourself in the Divine layer truly makes this possible, whereas only working in the same layer as where the problem resides, the psychological layer, often results in not truly being able to transcend the problem altogether.

It is really fortunate that one is able to go to such deeply traumatized places on the Twin Flame healing journey, as it actually naturally penetrates this deep into ones mind. In the narcissistic world everything is upside down in a deeply disturbing way that is then also hidden behind a mask, which is often the deepest betraying factor of the entire phenomenon: it is presented as normal to you and as a child we will believe this (and as a grown up without supernatural correction many often still do). But that is still all happening in another layer of life then where your Twin Flame nature resides, which is the spiritual plane.

Turning everything the narcissist or narcissistic system told you around, is a great start to get a grasp on the social truth that is a lot more real and healthy for you. But that whole layer is then still one new turnaround (with the help of the KEY tool that is supported by the nine point energy system) away from the supernatural Twin Flame layer inside of you that is your Divine Reality! I hope you can follow this, because it is really crucial to understand for your healing. To heal it into the spiritual Union layer, you need to turn everything around from the entirety of the psychological layer, which results in a quest to heal inside of you how much you have been (inadvertently but still) infected with the very same patterns yourself and heal it THERE.

THIS then creates what you need for true healing, which makes the entire issue fall away as if it never existed and which is the same as Twin Flame Union success! It is turning the KEY to open your inner heart.


These are the processes that make your Union real, physical, manifest. So, why are you not yet physically with your Twin Flame at this time? You may feel like you already work on a lot of things that have been touched in these writings. Let’s research:

1 Because you believe love comes from them.

It is quite common to believe that love comes from the outside, from others and this model is then also used for the idea of Twin Flame Union: it must be about that they sprinkle you with this immaculate love all the time as that your sense of order of your ego is satisfied and your deep need for acknowledgement, companionship and true love is finally and forevermore granted. But – and this is important – this is erroneous. Particularly after having discussed narcissism so extensively this time around, it should now stand out to you blatantly, that this idea about love actually is unhealthy.

This is the narcissistic schedule and order of what love is. I am so sorry. Your Hollywood productions have mostly lied to you. Your romance novels were wrong. Love comes from within. From Source, where you are already fully connected with your One True Twin Flame, because you ARE One at the core. Admittedly, some movies and novels could be seen as a fictionalized version of what that is. Which brings in a whole other dimension of things altogether as well. Oh this is going to sound wild but here it comes…

When you have REALLY paid attention in the last chapter of this blog, you have noticed that the Twin Flame healing comes when you turn around the turned around world seen from narcissistic perspective. Turning something two times around seems to result in a reality that is thus back at where you started (!). The distinguishing point is however that with the Union level we speak of a place where we have arrived at another level altogether: the spirit level of life, where the internal normall deemed invisible layer of life has been fully taken into account and is integrated.

This does give the outcome that superficially speaking, a narcissistic reality or story can have similarities with the Twin Flame reality. But only superficially: when one is not connected to oneself at the spirit core, one cannot distinguish the difference very well at all. The crux is thus to become connected and answer these kinds of situations with your entire being and soul (taking your energy body into account!) instead of only with your cerebral part that sees certain patterns. Bet you didn’t know that one yet – but now you do!

Love come from the Divine, from Source, the Universe, or however you’d like to call it (no ‘belief in God’ is needed per se, it is smily about the cause of the all). It is your Twin Flame that is the embodiment of this love for you, which means that their behavior is always their love to you, also and especially so when they act so called unkind to you, but because of their specific nature of their relationship to you (being your TRUE Twin Flame, IF they are that only) the only thing that is happening here is that you are being directly mirrored how you stand towards your true Self! So you can heal it. That is real love.

Then when healed, it will be mirrored to you as the most precise awesome love you ever desired, guaranteed!

2 Because you haven’t invested in the solution yet.

Time and again it has been proven in reality that people that don’t invest money in their Union process, don’t want to receive theirs. When they arrive at their Harmonious Union state of Consciousness and are thus confronted with the Truth, they say No to it, believe it or not. You may also think that the solution we offer is just the same in other places and some stuff out there is shared for free. But how is God supposed to know you really want to activate your Union progress when you don’t place your money where your mouth is? It is a very powerful instrument to invest in yourself and in your soulful Yes and you simply might not realize that.

It is deemed perfectly normal to use your need-money for your first life necessities for it, nobody that is successful waits until they have play money left after they’ve spend the first chunk on so called necessities, instead they count their Union investment as their first need; meaning it is fantastic to have good money so you have expendable money and I desire that for you, but reality and experience teach that people do it from their choice to do so, not from the fact they necessarily have spending money ‘left’. The Truth after all is considered is that God provides when you choose first.

It’s the same with this years 88 Ritual: when you hadn’t taken part (had a ticket), you have missed out on the core healing that was available inside of it, no matter how much times you read my reports in words that came out after it. You have not activated it for you. Also, approached from the following other side, I have a lot more to give then what I can ever write in any report, blog or book, and also a lot more that is individually geared to your development perfectly because it comes from our relationship. And I already give when you come in my vicinity, not only when you buy a product or service.

One student that reached Harmonious Twin Flame Union, once said it very fittingly as follows: “It will be very difficult for you to receive the enormous value of Harmonious Union, when you don’t feel like you are worth it to invest in yourself.” And indeed, the fact that it is on another level of life – money in the physical realm and Harmonious Twin Flame Union in the inner heart – does not mean it isn’t in alignment with each other. That is the whole point of the Twin Flame journey: it is both invisible, inner AND physical, outer and you align these realms perfectly to make it all come true in the romance you really desire from it.

3 Because you haven’t worked out your core block to Union.

It is a well-known fact that the one true block to Union is the very thing you can’t seem to discern in yourself, because it’s in your blind spot and kept there by the ego to survive. It’s hard to guide yourself through this seemingly impossible to solve impasse, because it is yourself you are trying to spiritually counsel. What greatly helps is a relationship that is already on the Union level, so you’ll be able to see it in there and together work it out for you. That is what a True Twin Flame guide and teacher can mean for you.

What I have seen over time in myself and others that I have guided and even others that I have observed from more of a distance over the course of a hand full of years or longer, is that there is actually One core block to why you are not in Union with your Twin Flame yet. All other things that seem to hold one back, are merely derivatives from this central reason why you are stuck – sometimes without realizing how stuck you really are. This doesn’t necessarily make things more easy for you, as it means this block is so engrained inside of your soul and thus also in your body, thought patterns and emotions, that it seems to be inoperable.

What it will look like to you is that you can’t exist outside of this thing, this block, being integral in yourself, and therefore you won’t see it, and when pointed out to you won’t do it (remove it from yourself). That is the whole point of the ego’s game, that is still active in you: it will present this block as an essential component in its functioning and thus lure you into the illusionary world of ‘nothing to see here’. The ego will thus keep you stuck at all costs. Only when you desire your Union more than the seeming integrity of your personality and your personal life and freedom (!), you will be able to gain the Union of your dreams.

That is not a punishment. It may be new to you to hear it this clearly spelled out for you, but it is not against you, at all. And that is because there is the ego and then there is the You that is the you that is part of your Union and the twain shall never meet. You’ll need to chose Union and experience that your illusions will die but not the You that is the experiencer of the fact you had them. And that is the experiencer – also – of the Romance of Eternity with the One True Love. That is what you actually desire. Choose wisely.

4 Because you don’t listen to guidance by a teacher.

Ouch, that is a painful truth, that exists because people unconsciously believe it is painful to listen to a teacher so it seems less painful to put this whole idea to the side. I once had a person come to my class that I teach every month in our Facebook community Your Abundance that is our online living room, about how the KEY tool for Twin Flame inner work really works in practice. After she had moved through her feelings in the provided steps, we were about to close it all off, when she asked me a question that took us another while to discuss but the whole atmosphere now turned to that of absurdism.

She wanted to know how to enter the idea of Being that I often speak about. The answer is through the relationship with a teacher, that transmits what it is all about to you in the end; it is all like a fire that springs from its original flame to the new place where it is now additionally also going to blaze: you. It is like an oil stain that starts to incorporate more and more people in this circle of Harmonious Union. But here came her reaction to this: She did not want a teacher! And she maintained that no matter what I said.

So, how did she think it was possible to ask me crucial questions for her development, without wanting me to be a teacher for her, in the first place? And where did she think this whole conversation was made possible exactly, if it was not my online classroom where we were still talking right inside? I felt like I had been transported right to the fictitious country of Absurdistan! Where was she when the KEY Workshop was affecting her so thoroughly, right before we were talking around in these crazy circles she brought up?

I guess my point has been made by now. The whole fact you are reading this blog, means there is a teacher that is telling you valuable things as it relates to the Twin Flame journey. The teacher acts under the direct authority and guidance of the grand teacher that is Divine Mother, Source, and is only a true one when she has been initiated by life itself, by Divine Mother herself, to execute this role, that is irreversible. That can sound rather grand to the innocent ear but that doesn’t mean a teacher isn’t loving. Love is her only tool in fact.

Allow yourself to be loved. One day you’ll be loved by your True Twin Flame directly and now you have been training the reception of that. This will prove to be of huge value, much more than you currently believe. The relationship with the teacher however doesn’t need to stop there; it’s continual and timeless.

5 Because it is a false Twin Flame.

It is possible that it is after all a false Twin Flame you have been focussing on for this entire while, and this fact might one day break through in your consciousness, making it fall away as a reality and slide aside as the illusion that it really was. A false Twin Flame will not stay in its position in your judgment of them Divinely loving you when you do the Twin Flame inner work correctly for long. Doing the KEY tool under guidance of a teacher will make you move away from them gradually, until they are revealed for their true nature. This can feel strange, unreal almost, for a short while, and be accompanied with big emotions that will leave your system now and harmonize soon enough again.

Not too much worries though! Having a false Twin Flame revealed is not the end of the Twin Flame journey nor of your ultimate love life or romance story. All it in fact means is that there is still a Twin Flame out there for you: the True one. I know this for a fact because you are a human being and the very very very most people have 1 other expression of the spirit core that is complementary to them (the other very very very rare occasions being a multiple flame, two expressions incarnated in 1 body at this time or being a child Twin Flame together with your parents so a tri-flame, and additionally there will be no true desire for you to be with them right now when your Twin Flame has already died or is not born yet – not to be confused with falsely believing your Twin Flame to be dead). When this is not your Twin Flame, someone else will prove to be them; you can trust that.

And although you might need some time for grief and adjustment of your way of thinking (from separation consciousness to Union Consciousness), things will certainly be alright in the end because your True Twin Flame by definition is your best fit in romance, life, parenting, marriage, business, mission, manifesting and friendship. So all-in-all you might not get any further in intimacy with the one you thought was your Twin Flame, but with your True Twin Flame you will, if you persist in doing the inner work and follow the 4 steps presented at the top of this blog.

6 Because you have unrecognized trauma.

It happens to the best of us, really. To uncover at a certain point in your inner work, that you have trauma popping up, where you didn’t expect it, didn’t know you had it. And it prevents you from moving forward in coming closer with them. Perhaps you had touched intimately at one point but then the magnets seemed to have turned around against the two of you and fear, tears, anger and despair overflowed your mood to such an extend that even basic functioning became a struggle. I understand, I’ve been there too…

It is hard to need to confess at least to yourself to start with, that it was all much more grave then you thought it was, what happened to you as a child, or as grown up, that put your nervous system in a freeze so that this emotional disharmony fossilized into your psychology and brain structure, dysregulating the entire lot, primarily emotionally – but you also had been able to repress the whole ordeal effectively for quite some time, to survive economically and socially for instance. And now, here it is: the truth. You are in shambles.

Rest assured that (almost?) every Twin Flame couple will go through these phases in which one or the other or successively or even simultaneously both got through the most agonizing reliving of abuse endured before Union, sometimes even in preverbal times (before you were circa 18 months) so that it remains entirely unclear where this outpouring emotional drama originated from. Twin Flames are basically designed to make each other purify their attachment history and malformation. This is clearly not a neat and lovely episode, they can even fight to get to the bottom of what is going on.

It all comes about because they will have pushed each others attachment and other trauma buttons. This will guaranteed happen after a while inside your Union relationship. It is your Divine opportunity to heal once and for all – and actually be really happy together, even though it may temporarily not look like it. So that is my prediction for when you are in Union – and it might temporarily make you stay apart but will eventually repair your relationship definitively (!), but it can also already happen before you’re even together.

There is actually a very good side to going through your trauma healing on the Union level with the Twin Flame inner work tool and under guidance of a teacher beforehand. Before the consciousness state of Harmonious Union, or before physical Union. It means you are truly becoming fit for purpose. Don’t try to avoid this, but look for ongoing guidance through it all.

7 Because your heart is locked while you work on all these things.

You can study the KEY tool for Twin Flame inner work. You can execute it every day. You can do the Reset Recalibrate guided audio meditation every day for how it is prescribed for connecting yourself into the deeper spiritual Abundance that is present in Union Consciousness. You can buy the paperback Twin Flame method book and actually read it front to back. You can watch all my hundreds of YouTube video’s a couple of times. But when your heart is not unlocked while you do all of this, it will not do much for you.

You can go to a teacher and ask to be guided through your KEY inner work every week for a couple of months. You can accept guidance on what exact inner work is fit for you right now to make the biggest strides towards your Harmonious Union consciousness state. You can ask the teacher to make an elaborate Twin Flame reading (that is an automatic healing as well) for you that gives you pages full of clues as to who they are, how they are doing and if they already see you as their Twin Flame too. But if you don’t truly respect and love the teacher and stand with a locked heart in that relationship, not much may actually happen for you.

Your heart, as it may be abundantly clear by now, needs to be unlocked. We are speaking of your inner heart, that is for sure accessible through your physical heart and the energetic space around it; we are not speaking about if your heart is still doing its biological function and if you are well-meaning towards all the practices indicated. We are speaking about if your deeper heart is really open, or unconsciously, actually closed even when you mean well. That’s an issue. This needs addressing first.

It’s okay when the true state of your heart becomes eventually clear through having done the before mentioned actions and having seen that it does all not breakthrough to the juice for you. But then, when that is clarified, this is the reality to focus on. You need to choose to open your heart, even when it has been hurt before, when circumstance seemed to have proven to you that it is unsafe to be open to love, Divine love but also social love, parental love, romantic love, which are two sides of the same stick.

You might be truly fearful, seemingly irrationally fearing for your very life (which can be very understandable from the perspective of the inner child that had been hurt, the infant that has been brought into the not mirroring and not needs-fulfilling way of the narcissist, in the past). And you need to look that fear in the eyes and nevertheless say: Yes, I am going to trust, because I have faith in my Divine Mother that is Source itself.

Opening your heart is a risk, but not doing so as well: you risk not making come true your highest expression together with your forever lover. And I say all of this knowing full well that the Twin Flame initially can seem to bring tremendous drama and therefore upheaval to your life; but follow what I present and do it to find complete peace and happiness in this area that also takes over your entire life: your psychology, your energy, your inner child, your relationships, even your spirituality and religion itself.

Ego’s can’t reach the sweet Fruit of Union, but the unlocked Heart will with the speed of spiritual light!