Dear friend,

One day you’re silently having an idea and start to expand it a little. Go outside when it is summer and intuitively place your crystals on the lawn, add bowls of water and pronounce your intentions. And before you know it, you have not only downloaded the way to bring Twin Flames together in Union, but also manifest an entire life magic school and bring 4 people in Harmonious Union.

This is what happened to me, when I started to seriously work in the direction my soul really desired to go, since around ten years ago. Things can grow, once you started them in Source alignment! They grow spiritually, and that may seem invisible at first, but because spirituality = life itself, the also transpires into your actual physical daily life. It happened to me, and it can also happen to you.

What would YOU like to manifest? What is dearest in your heart? Would you like to be aligned with your entire abundance that is soulfully here for you? So that it can become manifest and simply… your life? Close the gap in your Twin Flame Union?

When you have some form of YES (blatantly or silently, doesn’t matter), the summer ritual with crystals, water, intentions and much more is for you the place to be this summer, too. Because I will for the tenth year perform it again!

Here is my video in which I speak about what will happen next week on Thursday August 8, the event you can join online:


This morning, I went for a nature stroll, starting at the end of my street. In it, I was lead through a whole inner spirit quest, picking up feathers to listen to its message, checking out places where to potentially hold this years 88 Ritual, picking wild flowers to later install in my kitchen to adorn my days and so on.

I made a video of this stroll, in which I essentially prepared the entire summer ritual, sharing my thoughts on what it will be about:


This is the nature spot that I choose:


I hope you like it because here I will be executing the ritual in which also YOUR Twin Flame and other healing intentions can be taken to a whole new level. For more info about how to participate and getting your ticket, CLICK HERE.
